A Daily To-Do List For A Happier, Healthier Life
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A Daily To-Do List For A Happier, Healthier Life

Just some of the simple things we can do to get back to basics.

A Daily To-Do List For A Happier, Healthier Life
Spongebuddy Mania

There was a point not too long ago when I felt like I didn't know what my purpose was in life. I have wonderful friends and family that love me, I will never take that for granted or pretend I'm not blessed beyond measure because of that, but I felt the walls crashing in. My job was making me miserable. I was freaking out about where my degree was going to take me and didn't know what I was going to do after graduation. I felt bad about my body, and I was always tired and stayed in bed most of the day. I was unmotivated and didn't really know what to do with myself. Why wasn't life working out in my favor?

At some point I realized that it wasn't life that was being unfair to me, I was not living life to the fullest. I had to go out and make the most of it. You only get out of life what you put into it. You have to work for it, buuuuut I didn't know where to start. So, I give you a daily To-Do list help cope with the times that seem a little harder than usually. Hopefully they'll turn into habits!

Say ‘I Love You’

Tell everyone you know you love them—parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, best friends, significant others. Don’t let a single day pass by without telling them you love them. You’re not invincible and neither is anyone else in your life. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Say ‘Thank You’

Thank the stranger that held the door for you. Thank the bus driver. Thank the cashier. Thank your professors, boss, coaches… their criticism means they care. Thank God. Thank your friends and family—especially your parents. They have sacrificed a tremendous amount in their lifetime, more than we will ever be able to imagine until we become parents.

Sometimes we forget how blessed we really are in this crazy life. So, say thank you every day and don’t ever stop saying it. Scream it to the heavens!


Regularly. (Your once a week gym session at Planet Fitness isn't cutting it.)

Your body will be the one thanking you. There’s an endless list of reasons why we should exercise everyday: weight regulation, disease prevention, stress relief, energy gain and a better night’s sleep!

Exercise not only helps you get your dream bod (please skip the weight-loss pills and never EVER starve yourself!), but it’s good for your mind and overall health. Regular exercise can help prevent future heart disease, diabetes, and lower blood pressure. Even better, it’s one of the best stress relievers! During finals week or when your boss is being a complete pain in the butt, going for a run, even for just 10 minutes, will do wonders. Exercise will also give you a better night’s sleep and give you more energy throughout the day!

Side note: Going to the gym or exercising isn't a competition. There's no need to compare yourself to everyone else in the gym or feel self-conscious about running around the block. Do what you can do to the best of your abilities and you will get a little better each day. Chances are the other people aren't judging you like you think they are. They're probably thinking something along the lines of, "Wow good for them. Look at them taking the initiative to better themselves."

Drink Water

Lots and lots of water.

It’s alright to drink soda here and there, but not religiously. You will feel so much more energize, not weighed down and bloated from the 8 pounds of sugar that were in that can of coke. Your entire body, down to the cells, (sorry, biology major moment) thrives and relies on water for your well-being. So, drink your 6-8 glasses of water a day and watch how much better you’ll feel.


Sometimes this one’s a bit tricky, especially during the semester, but I guarantee most people watch Netflix every day when they could have picked up a book just as easily. Don’t get me wrong, I love Netflix just as much as the next person (I’m currently watching House M.D.), but our favorite fictional dramas won’t do too much for us. Try picking up a book and getting lost for a while. Books allow you to use your imagination, and as cliche as it sounds, it really does build your vocabulary. Find an author that interests you and start binge-reading, instead of binge-watching. To those people that claim they "don't like reading", well you probably just haven't found a book you fully enjoyed yet. There's literally millions and trillions of books out there. I'm sure there's a least one you'd like.

P.S. I’ll be happy to recommend any great books to anyone looking for something new to read!

Give Compliments

Make a point to compliment at least one person each day. You don’t know what that person has been going through. Those few kind words could have just turned their whole day around, or even saved their life. A simple compliment could go a long way.

I think it’s just as important to compliment yourself every day too! Let’s face it, we are our own worst critic. Maybe your hair looks extra good today, or you finally perfected the recipe you've been working on. (In my case a success would be not burning garlic bread or frozen pizza in the oven.) Pay yourself a compliment! There’s nothing wrong with a little self-confidence.


The first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning.

College tries real hard to teach us a thing or two. I was able to retain something from one of my psychology classes (go Dr. Kern!). I was told that our actions can directly affects our mood. Simply smiling even when you’re not happy can instantly put you in a better mood.

I think my dad could just have easily been my psychology professor for that lecture, because when I was young and miserable and nothing in life was fair, my dad always told me to smile, even when I was super angry. He literally wouldn't let me leave until I smiled. When I finally did, I was in a better mood. No joke, it worked every single time.

I can't gaurantee your life will dramatically improve because of this list, but it's a good place to start when you're trying to head in the right direction. Life has a strange way of falling into place perfectly, so maybe along the way you'll find your purpose and be on track to a happier, healthier life.

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