Knowing if you are a convergent or divergent thinker is a critical piece of information that will help excel in many different aspects of your life. Alright, so say I give you a pencil, what can you do with it? If you said write, you are a convergent thinker. If you said use it as a whole punch, a drumstick, etc. you are definitely a divergent thinker. A convergent thinker is someone who is very good with numbers, someone who can easily work with data, and solving something with one correct answer. A divergent thinker is someone who doesn’t always think in the box, they are very creative, and think of new innovative ideas. Neither one is better than the other, it’s just an important fact we should all know about ourselves.
Would you rather be sat down with a math problem versus an art project? Does it make more sense to you solving real analytical problems versus something creativity based? Does math and science make more sense than arts and humanities? If you are answering yes to these questions you can consider yourself a convergent thinker.
So, to go more in-depth of a convergent thinker, you are after a solution. You want to find the correct answer to the problem quickly and efficiently. If you always did exceptional on standardized testing, that is probably another sign you are a convergent thinker. Other things that you are talented at is recognizing patterns, good at taking tests, and having a logical mindset. Incredible thinkers like this are politicians, doctors, and scientists (these are most of the time right, but it can vary in some situations). Some downsides to convergent thinking is the lack of creativity, not much innovation, and no interest for finding new and exciting answers.
Did you answer no to all the questions in the first paragraph? Would you love being hands on trying to find new innovative ideas rather than sit with a math problem? Would you rather be finding multiple different answers rather than finding one analytical answer? Would you rather be in an arts class rather than sitting in a science or math class? If you’re answering yes to these questions then you are a divergent thinker. More information for divergent thinkers would be that you are have an awesome, creative and intricate mind. You are awesome at coming up with innovative ideas that no one has thought of prior to you.
An awesome divergent thinker would have been Steve Jobs coming up with Apple. If you have an artistic side that could be another sign that you are a divergent thinker. Some downsides to being a divergent thinker are a lack of interest in fundamental learning (math, sciences, etc.), inability to focus on standardized testings, and being easily distracted.
Knowing whether you are a convergent or divergent thinker can help you in so many ways. It can allow you to figure out what jobs would suit you better. It also allows you to realize how you learn and how you can learn better. It gives you insight on who you are and realize your potential in a certain field. There are many benefits to being a convergent and a divergent thinker, which one are you?