I am a horror movie fan, but I am very picky about which horror movies I like. My favorite horror movies from the last couple of years have been "The Babadook", "Insidious", "The Guest", "It Follows", "The Visit" - I really enjoyed "Green Room" that came out earlier this year as well. All of these films, while different, all had the same thing in common: they respected the genre. Horror movies are so cheap to make that many studios just throw crappy scripts, actors, and ideas at a screen and call it a day. There are thousands of horrible horror movies, because they only cost a couple of million of dollars (and in some cases thousands). Also, modern horror movies have become obsessed with cheap jump-scares that you end up jumping in your seat , not because you're scared, but because there is a loud ear piercing noise! "The Exorcist" is one of my favorite horror movies, and it doesn't have a single cheap jump scare. Just the situation and the tone make the movie terrifying.
I have a lot of problems with many modern horror movies of today, and am very selective about which ones I decide to praise. So when I say that "The Conjuring" was an awesome horror film, you can take it to the bank. That movie put me right back to the place I was when I first watched "The Exorcist". James Wan directed that film, and he is quickly becoming one of my favorite young directors. Almost every horror movie he makes has what a lot of horror now days don't have, and that is class. Yes, he does use jump-scares, but he doesn't use cheap jump-scares. James Wan, along with writing partner Leigh Whannell, have crafted some of my favorite modern horror movies, so when I heard that The Conjuring 2 was coming out: I got very, very, excited!
So how sick is The Conjuring 2 - Starring Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Frances O'Connor, Sterling Jerins, and Madison Wolfe, directed by James Wan?
So, like I said, I was very excited to see this movie, and, while I missed the first one in theaters, I wasn't going to miss this one for sure! Just like the first film, this one starts "Raiders of the Lost Ark" style again, with the Warrens wrapping up the end of a very famous paranormal case. Won't say what it is, but it was a awesome little Easter egg. The scares come almost instantly and sucks you in right into the 'Conjuring' world. One thing that I really liked about this film was the skeptic element. These "Conjuring" films are based after real people and real events so naturally a lot of people think that these events where faked. I enjoy how this film doesn't shy away from that which it could've easily done. The atmosphere of this movie is also superb. The tension is brought up more and more each scene, and the scares are creative and freaky.
The performances are also great, especially the little girl Janet (Madison Wolfe). Child actors can either enhance a movie, or take me right out. Every single kid in this movie does a great job! So much of the movie focuses on her, and some scenes reminded me of Regan from "The Exorcist." It was terrifying, and I have chills and goosebumps right now thinking about it. Overall the film is just well crafted, and I loved how, even though this film is a horror film, there are some real moments of character and fun. Patrick Wilson had a fun scene in this movie that, to some people that see this movie may think it's boring or out of place, I think was one of my favorite scenes in this film. Little moments of love and joy make you become attached to these characters. So when all the craziness starts happening, you actually care about these people's survival and well-being, which makes the horror rise up even more in my book.
Negatives I had with this film is that the story is kind-of confusing. The first movie was so simple, and this one has so much more going on...not all of it works. The main antagonist plan was not drawn out very clear and was kind-of muddy, unfortunately. I also didn't like the ending so much, some parts of the end could've been streamlined while others should've been extended. You feel the length in this movie a little bit toward the end, which is disappointing because the "climax" felt rushed. So the end of this movie has a wired feeling of being a little long while at the same time feeling short. Other then that, this is a great horror movie, and had me looking behind my back all night!
If you're new to my rating methods, I will now break down how "sick" this movie is.
"Healthy As A Horse" Never see this movie, even if your life depends on it!
"Common Cold" This movie is fun or entertaining, but not necessarily a "good movie".
"Stomach Bug" Good, but not worth spending money at the theater.
"Called Out of Work" Really good movie and worth seeing in theaters, if you get the chance!
"Projectile Vomiting" Watch this movie as soon as possible, get in line at the theater, or immediately buy it on Blu-ray or DVD. You have to see this movie!
So how 'sick' is "The Conjuring 2?
Called Out of Work!
So how 'sick' is The Conjuring 2?
Sorry Tom your gonna have to do twice the work tomorrow because "The Conjuring 2"...
Called Out of Work!
To be honest, I had a really hard time writing this review; it's hard to talk about this film without revealing any of the juicy moments, because it's jammed packed with them! So check it out! The theater I was in was packed, and seeing a horror movie with crowd is so much fun. Give it a chance if you're not a horror fan as well, it's healthy to get freaked out from time to time because...oh...crap...
Right behind you...
...It's looking right at you.