College is one of the biggest roller-coaster rides you’ll ever go through. A lot of things change in your life. I know in my life I lost a lot of people close to me, I’ve changed my major countless times, and even moved from one college to another because I couldn’t make up my mind. There’s one thing I don’t regret and that getting my best friend, Sadi. Getting a dog in college was the best decision I’ve ever made.
Here are eight reasons why you should adopt a dog in college:
1. They’re always there for you.
No matter how many times I messed up, I knew Sadi would still be waiting for me at home ready to love me. She didn’t care what I did wrong. She was just happy to see that I came back to her.
2. They keep you active.
A dog means getting outside to walk or run. I know I have to get my dog outside to help her lifestyle. She needs the exercise to help her live longer and to be in my life longer. Keeping her active means that I have to stay active, too.
3. They teach you responsibility.
Having a dog is a serious commitment. You have to think about how your actions will affect them. You can’t stay out all night or go on day trips. You have to consider on when they need to go to the bathroom, when they need to be fed, if they have water, if they are getting enough exercise, or if they are being loved enough. Having a dog made me be more organized and put structure and routine in my life.
4. You'll have play dates on the reg.
On the most boring days I know that Sadi will always be down to go on a play date. We always try to find the best place to play at in the river. Every time it’s a new adventure for both of us and great memories, too.
5. They are an excuse to be antisocial.
Your friends text you to hangout, but of course you can’t because you have to take care of your dog. Then you spend the rest of the day binge watching Netflix and stuffing each other’s faces with pizza.
6. They will always be your #1 cuddle buddy.
If you don’t have a significant other, just went through a bad break up, or you’re in a perfect relationship, your dog will always be the best cuddle buddy to have. They will cuddle with you on your best and worst days. Even if they take up the whole bed, nothing is sweeter than laying with them.
7. They are the best wingman...or woman.
Let’s be real. Most people love dogs. Having a pet gives you a chance to have a guy or girl come up to you and talk to. It’s an icebreaker. And, of course, who isn’t attracted to someone that’s good with dogs.
8. You're never alone.
No matter what you’ll have your best friend there by your side. They want to be with you at all times. You come home to them, you take them walking, to intramural games, tailgating, to hangout with friends, and you get to fall asleep with them. What’s greater than their unconditional love?
College is hard, but Sadi is always there to save the day. I know having my best friend with me through my college years is the best decision I made.