Surviving College Roommates, Guide For Incoming Freshmen
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Surviving College Roommates, Guide For Incoming Freshmen

The first year is the hardest, but you can survive it.

Surviving College Roommates, Guide For Incoming Freshmen

I can honestly say I was blessed enough to have no roommate problems my Freshman year of college. So I want to share with you just how to accomplish having a great first year of college roommate experience.

1. First College Friend.

Y'all are each other's first college friend (most likely), this was true for me and my roommate. So y'all understand how hard the first few weeks are at a new school and possibly new city. Be kind and encourage one another everyday.

2. Clean Your Dorm Room Together!

You need to keep y'all's room fairly clean at all times. This means that you and your roommate both take part in cleaning your dorm room, because you both live there. A clean dorm room means happy RAs.

3. Compromise Makes Living Together Easier.

Compromise is key to a fight-free nine months in a tiny dorm room. You have one living space with most likely one television, microwave and refrigerator - so share wisely. When it comes to the refrigerator, sometimes y'all will eat and drink the same things, and sometimes you won't. So, even out the space so each of you has plenty of room. When watching television, be kind and always ask if a show or movie is okay. I was lucky with this one, we liked mostly the same things. And also this gives y'all a chance to fall in love with new shows and movies. Because of that freshman roommate, I got to watch a show I had wanted to watch for three years and couldn't. Now a year and a half later, I still love it.

4. The Guest Warning.

A guest is a big thing, especially the opposite gender - relationship wise. If you are single and your roommate is not, vise versus, watch out for them. Always make sure everything is okay and be their wing-woman or wing-man. On the friend side, always let the other know when you are having friends over by texting, calling, before you leave the room, or leave a note in the room for them when you go to class.

5. Study Buddy 101.

Being a great study buddy is very important, when you have a roommate. Even if y'all aren't taking the same classes, you can always try to help each other. By quizzing one another with flashcards or simply just saying positive sayings.

6. Late Night Fun!

Everyone loves to stay up late and do fun stuff, especially if you have someone there with you. I think it was the first or second weekend of being roommates, we stayed up till 2 a.m. watching Nicholas Sparks movies. This was one of my favorite nights because we found common ground and it was fun. A plus is, you can sleep in late the next day and feel no shame at all.

7. The Buddy System.

The buddy system is very important because you should always watch out for each other! This can contribute to late night food runs, study sessions or walking around campus. It is better to go with someone than go alone.

8. Trust Is Also Important!

Trust is a big thing when having a roommate, especially if y'all are just meeting for the first time to be roommates. If you cannot trust them, then cut ties.

9. Being There For One Another.

Between breakups, failing tests or quizzes or just having a bad everything, being there for your roommate is the best thing you can do to comfort them. Knowing they have someone is great and you know that they will return the favor.

10. Sometimes You Need Privacy.

Give each other privacy because too much time together can cause a lot of problems. Spending time a part while being roommates, helps everyday together go more smoothly.

11. You Can Decorate, Which Is So Fun!

This was my favorite part about living in the dorms. We got to decorate our doors as much as we wanted to. As you can see below, we made a Christmas tree out of construction paper along with someone ornaments. Easy and cute to bring Holiday cheer to your dorm floor.

12. Support Each Other In College Activities.

Supporting one another is just an extra act of kindness and being an amazing roommate. My roommate happened to be in the UNA Pride Of Dixie Marching Band, so I would attend football games just to support her and our other band friends.

13. Keep Up With Your Room Keys!

Major tip: keep up with your room keys and always have them with you. You can accidentally get locked out of your room - I have had to rescue my roommate from this several times during our freshman year.

14. Be Prepared To Part Ways Come Sophomore Year (It happens occasionally).

This is one of the most heartbreaking parts of having a roommate. Unfortunately, this very thing happened to me and my roommate. So, I wanted to tell you that that it can be hard but also for the best. Not every college roommate friendships last through the remain of your college years.

I hope you enjoy your freshman year of college because it comes with many changes, but some are the greatest ones of your life so far!

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