College can really be a struggle sometimes. And there are some struggles that every student can relate to. Who better to describe the struggle than the characters of “Grey’s Anatomy”? Their lives are so full of drama, I’m sure that they can relate.
1. When you get back to college and see your friends again.
You've spent an entire summer apart, now it's time to make up for lost time. (And to catch up on all of the gossip.)
2. When you professor gives you assignments during syllabus week.
Seriously, it's the first week of classes. Can't you give us some time to get used to being back in class?
3. When you find out that your professor is actually really hot.
Most of your professors are probably old and crotchety, so having a good-looking professor is a welcome change. Though, it might make it more difficult to pay attention in class.
4. Your reaction to that one person who has to comment on everything the professor says.
But really, we're just here to learn what we need to know for the next exam. There's really no need to show off.
5. When you realize that you have more than one class with someone.
This is a one-in-a-million chance, count it as a blessing. Now, you have one study partner for two (or more) classes.
6. When your best friend gets their heart broken.
Like they say: you break her heart, and I'll break your face. If you hurt my best friend, you are guaranteed a spot on my hit list.
7. When you have no idea what the professor is talking about.
It seems like any time you miss class, it's the day the most important lessons are being taught. Or maybe you just started daydreaming in the last class. Either way, you're lost, and catching up is not going to be easy.
8. How you feel by the time midterms come around.
Has it really been eight weeks already? Where did the time go? Why didn't you pay more attention, or study more? How do you manage do this to yourself every semester?
9. When you finally get to go out and have some fun.
You've been working hard, you've deserved it! Okay... maybe you're just proud you managed to get out of bed today. Either way, you've earned a night out.
10. How you feel after you take an exam that you were totally unprepared for.
Walking out of an exam you know you didn't well on sucks. You've failed yourself and brought dishonor to your family name. You're pretty sure that you're never going to graduate now. Go ahead, you're allowed a good cry session.
11. When finals are finally here and you're trying not to have a mental breakdown.
Finals week was specifically designed to make college students miserable. You've only had four hours of sleep in the past week and you're pretty sure all of your blood has been replaced with Red Bull and coffee.
12. Trying explain your grades to your parents.
Look, mom and dad, I really did try my best. But even Derek Sheppard made mistakes, and he was a brain surgeon. I think I'm allowed a slip-up or two.
13. When you find out you actually passed the class you thought you were going to fail.
You don't know how you managed to pass, but you did it. Probably best not to ask questions and just accept your good fortune.
14. Then you realize you have to do it all again next semester.
Why do you keep putting yourself through this torture? Oh right, the degree... Finding a rich spouse is starting to sound very tempting.