Christian Feminism
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Christian Feminism

Seven ways we can act as both Christians and feminists

Christian Feminism
Henry Lough/Stephanie Plummer

I think sometimes people assume we live in a world where every movement is attacking Christianity. Don't be too offended- it's been happening long before this generation. Most scientific advancements were once considered sacrilegious--so was interracial marriage! It seems like the devil comes into our lives desperate to convince us of an enemy that isn't him. My example this week: feminism.

I think sometimes we, Christian feminists, feel alone. On one hand we see people scrutinizing Christians and automatically equating Christianity with misogyny. On the other hand, we see people scrutinizing feminism and associating it with sin. It is an endless stream of middle ground--Christian feminists must explain themselves to everyone, and it often seems like no one is on our side.

So my message to you, fellow Christian feminists, is that you are not alone! Keep fighting, keep speaking up, and keep loving others. Here are seven ways we can express ourselves as Christians and feminists:

1. Understand that different does not mean unequal.

Yes, the genders are different. Yes, each gender may have been given a specific anatomy, or even purpose as a human. This does not mean that a man is greater than a woman, and we can suggest that. God created both man and woman in His image, and God has used both men and women to build His kingdom. That is the bottom line. Men and women have equal worth in the sight of God--everyone does.

2. Respect women with different opinions than you.

Please stop trashing women who are not feminists. Please stop calling women "sluts" and "whores." Being a feminist does not mean that you have to march in a pride parade or support abortion. It does not mean you have to walk around with your shirt off and shout "free the nipple!" Feminism does mean that you should be proud of women who use their voices to fight for what they believe in. It does mean that you should respect a woman's beliefs and listen to her story. It does mean that any woman's opinion is worth hearing, and that women are capable to fight for what they believe in. We should cheer on the women who voice their opinion!

3. Support Women of Color.

If you are white, please understand that you have a privilege. As Christian feminists we have a responsibility to be inclusive- especially to women of color because they face specific prejudices that white women do not have to deal with. There are cruel stereotypes that women of color are associated with that white women are not. It is okay to recognize this- and we should fight alongside women of color (and poc in general btw...). As I said before- everyone was created equal in the eyes of God. Period.

4. Combat rape culture.

Call it out. Fight against it. Do not let men or women excuse sexual harassment. It is NEVER the victims fault. Sex is not sex without consent. Do not let the contributors to rape culture get away with it. Teach your children, husbands, brothers, uncles, friends, and parents to treat women the way that God created them- beautiful, intelligent, and purpose-driven.

5. Fight against sex-trafficking.

This is an issue- and this is an issue that most Christians will agree is an issue. What they do not see is that feminism also fights against this issue. Christians, feminists, Christian feminists, humanitarians, kind people- everyone- should work together to combat this issue. This is not something we should waste time butting heads on- pretty much everyone agrees this is wrong. Do some research and figure out how to get involved on a local and national level.

6. Understand the difference between what the Bible says, and what society says.

There was an issue a while back when a lot of people were outraged by the fact Target was eliminating gender-specific toy isles. The argument was that Target was trying to eliminate gender. The problem is that society has ingrained in us so deeply different gender norms and stereotypes that we as a society think call them truth. I was, and still remain, very confused by this notion. Children should be able to play with whatever age appropriate toys they want. We see this same issue in gender-neutral clothing. Some Christians seem outraged at the thought of this evolution of clothing- but men and women often wear the same types of clothing. Stop and think about the things you are offended by, and ask yourself if they are really issues you should be concerned about.

7. Support your "feminine" guy friends.

"Feminine" is in quotes here for a reason. My best friend for years has always loved to sing and participate in the arts, and he hangs mostly around our girl friends. He chose during high school not to stay out of the dating pool. At least once a month someone will come up to me and ask, "Are you sure he's not gay?". People need to ask themselves why they ask those questions. In addition we should ask others, "Why do you think that, and why do you care?" We need to figure out in society what it actually means to be feminine. For a long time only men were even allowed to perform on a stage- so where does this stigma come from?

Ultimately as Christians we need to understand that we cannot put our faith in legislation, and we cannot put our faith in movements- even movements we support! We are Christ followers first, and everything else second. We need to remember to take care of others and love them. We need to love one another and build each other up. Our ultimate faith is in Christ alone!

There is a whole lot more to feminism than just these seven points--and there are so many ways to get involved as a Christian feminist! Trust me, you are not alone.

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