If you watched the debate, you might have made up your mind on who you are going to vote for and who beat who. But let's all be real for a second, that really was a rough debate to watch.
Whether you're a Trump or Hillary supporter, you're as liable as anyone to have cringed at the actions of one of these candidates at some point during the debate. If you're like an overwhelming majority of Americans, you'll have cringed at the very fact that we are stuck with these two as our candidates.
But as a millennial who's been following politics since Bush vs. Kerry in 2004, I was looking forward to this because it's the FIRST TIME I could exercise my civil duty in a Presidential Election (I turned 18 in 2013 so I narrowly missed voting in 2012). Yet, THESE ARE MY CHOICES?
We have a proven cheater who conspired to rig the DNC Primaries, someone who used bad judgement with classified information belonging to our state department, and someone who unsuccessfully attempts pandering for the sole purpose of getting my vote. AND THAT'S ONLY ONE CANDIDATE!
As for Trump, he's so grossly unqualified for this position that I'll have to write another article detailing all of the reasons why he shouldn't be president. Just watch this video which just about sums up Trump's stupidity.
It's our civic duty to go out & vote. Although I'm not satisfied with my candidates, I'm not going to forego this opportunity to make my voice heard. Just don't criticize me for not doing so with a smile on my face.