When Your Boyfriend is Your Best Friend | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things That Happen When Your Boyfriend Doubles As Your Best Friend

It's a 2-for-1 special!

Gabriella Barcinas
Gabriella Barcinas

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You've heard how people say that having your boyfriend is the best thing plenty of times before and honestly, it's true.

There is nothing better than having your boyfriend be your best friend also, especially if he was before you started dating. There are so many pros that come with your best friend also being your boyfriend, such as the following:

1. You feel comfortable around him no matter what you look like

Yes, that means even when all the makeup comes off you don't really care what he thinks because chances are if he really is your best friend, then he already has seen you without makeup on tons of times before.

This means that you can wear some sweatpants and a large t-shirt around him with your hair up in a bun and you still feel comfortable around him.

For me, my boyfriend has seen me sick and crying enough times and he still loves me no matter what. So, I know that even if I am not looking my best, it's okay because, at the end of the day, he's seen me way worse and loves me still.

2. You tell him everything

Well, you tell your best friend just about everything, don't you? Yes, you do! So it only makes sense that you tell your boyfriend, who is also your best friend, everything as well.

With someone your dating who may not necessarily be your best friend, you may not talk about everything with them, such as girl drama or asking them which item of clothing they like more. But, if your boyfriend is your best friend, then you should feel comfortable talking to him about everything, even including the girly stuff.

This also should go both ways- meaning, he also probably tells you everything too. Yes, even if it is about his football team winning some game. And since you are his best friend, you will actually care.

3. You can be weird around him

Since he is your best friend you can be your self around him! All of us have a little weird side and if your boyfriend is your best friend, then he has already seen it.

He probably thinks it is cute though and shares his weird side with you too because that's what best friends do! You can both just be your selves in front of each other.

4. The gross factor is gone

Chances are that if he really is your best friend, then he's seen your gross side already. This means your not afraid to go to burp and if you have to fart, because yes girls are human too, then you just do it.

If he's your best friend he won't judge you. In fact, he will probably just laugh and joke with you.

5. You don’t need to worry about meeting his family

You probably have already met his family so there was no added dating pressure of having to meet his parents. Instead, you already know them and it was more of an adjustment, rather than meeting them blindly.

I first meet my boyfriend's parents way before we were dating and when we were just friends. They've seen me whenever I've been sick and gross so when we finally started dating, I knew that it would be a lot easier on me since I had already met them and they've seen me at my worst.

6. When you are with him, you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else

When you are with him, you are getting a two in one special! You get to hang out with your best friend and see your boyfriend at the same time! It's the best of both worlds.

So, if you have your two favorite things combined into one, why would you want to be anywhere else than with him?

7. He already knows you really well

If he really is your best friend then chances are, he already knows your likes and dislikes. He also probably already knows everything about you, including the deep stuff.

He knows you like the back of his hand and you know him like the back of yours.

8. You loved him before you started dating

You love your best friend, right? Well, then you probably loved him as a friend way before you started dating him. You now just love him more and in a romantic way.

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