Boycott The Fourth
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Boycott The Fourth

Our freedom is not freedom until we are all free.

Boycott The Fourth

Although, happy on this day in 1776 the USA was birthed, as I have had a beautiful life thus far in this country, there is an issue with a country, aka the USA, who reigns terror and strips independence from others, celebrating their own initial "independence." As citizens of this country, there are those around us who are still without freedom.

People of color are targeted by our police/state. They are second class citizens in the United States of America. There is even terrorism being committed by our military, no different than that of the current terrorists overseas. Before you start complaining about how I'm supposedly a commie lovin' socialist, remember this thing called a definition. Please note, I am not stating that all our service men and women are terrorists, nor am I stating all of our government gives orders solely for terrorism. I am simply stating when our country commits terrorism, orders terrorism or fiscally supports terrorism, it is terrorism. Our country should not be exempt of the rules of what terrorism solely because of our ethnicity and stance worldwide.

ter·ror·ism: /ˈterəˌrizəm/ noun 1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims

Both terrorist organizations claim the ending of evil while killing a multitude of innocent people. Not to mention scenarios when they blatantly fiscally support the evil. *cough* AiPac *cough.* However, in the United States, if you are violent, insane and white, you are simply patriotic. Anything of common sense in this country is discouraged by our government, especially humanity. We have some false sense of independence that comforts those in this country, it is absolutely alarming and unsafe to not only all of our citizens, but also citizens worldwide.

1. People of color are still second-class citizens.

The United States of America now systematically oppresses people of color to ensure their second class title. Whether it be the inadequate academic systems, which are found mostly in low-income urban neighborhoods nationwide, which are often people of color; or Chicago using academic funding for a for-profit Divvy bike business, people of color are simply being drained for profit and being oppressed to remain silent. I often describe this event to an All Lives Matter person as such:

Imagine a wall. It is an invisible wall with a large group of people both in front and behind it. Neither group was told about the construction of the invisible wall. The people in front keep demanding the people behind the wall get to where they are, and are absolutely confused by why they are still standing where they are. The people behind the wall are pushing, crying, sweating. Some even end up dying, as the wall can also murder. However, when they cry out, "I think there is a wall here! Let's tear it down!," the people in front of the wall belittle, degrade and accuse those behind the wall for being behind the wall, while denying the existence of the wall.

While this wall still exists, celebrating the independence of only white-ness is rather inappropriate, because it's clear that people of color are not given full independence, even in our own country.

Below are some statistics outlining some key differences in the way our justice system treats people of color.

Also note, most recently in 2016, the Stanford rapist is white and was sentenced to only three months for raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. When a man of color did the same crime, he received three years. Both crimes are just as disgusting and heinous as the other, and should be treated as such, regardless of the rapists' skin color.

Also note that in 2015, Sandra Bland was wrongfully and forcefully arrested for a mere traffic violation, verbally and physically abused, and was then murdered and photographed by Texas police. However, she has still has been given no justice.

America needs a "major reassessment" of its approach to race equality if it is to protect future generations from growing up in conditions not far removed from slavery, a leading law professor has warned. - Michelle Alexander

2. Government officials have supported AIPAC yet again.

American Israel Public Affairs Committee is essentially where we sign over four billion dollars annually to Israel to commit a holocaust against Palestinians, who are without a military, government, homes, resources, etc. AIPAC ensures Israeli occupation and terror over Palestinians. This is one example of fiscally-funded terrorism to which I earlier was referring. The money given to Israel is no way to "protect" the wealthy, armed state, but instead to ensure ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

On our current mainstream media, there are often anti-Palestinian propaganda that helps warp the minds of those watching, allowing them to become completely ignorant to the current scenario overseas. While this occurs, children, men and women die because we remain silent. We continue to allow for tyrants and murderers to represent of country, as they have filled political seats.

Above, you can see that the war crimes continue, as even children aren't spared from the bloodshed and bombings that our country fiscally supports against the Palestinian people.

3. Still killing activists while promoting tyrants.

One of my past stories, "Justica Ahora!," commented on the nature of this country's kill list that targets activists. Activists are often demonized in the United States, and are often sought out and murdered. Most recently, Berta Caceres was murdered in her home by government-paid and ordered gunmen.

If the general public knew about various evils, such as the resource depletion against the indigenous people of Honduras due to high-profit corporations reaping the land, or the environment being ripped apart and poisoned, children being raped and murdered in Palestine for money etc., government officials within our own country couldn't continue the atrocities by any means: We would all have risen by now to end the injustices, which is why it is crucial to our government to ensure activists are killed before becoming too popular. Promoting freedom, real freedom, will get you killed.

“We must undertake the struggle in all parts of the world, wherever we may be, because we have no other spare or replacement planet. We have only this one, and we have to take action”- Berta Caceres R.I.P

4. All commercialized foods are still poisonous.

The United States is one of the only countries in the entire world to not label GMOs on their products. In this capitalistic shit-hole, using even the most dangerous of ingredients is always a option, because the FDA doesn't really do its job. That's why our pharmaceutical companies provide variants of meth to children, but condemn the use of holistic materials for those fighting cancer. With health comes a certain freedom, as we are drastically limited with poor health. Not to mention the way diet affects our mental health. Take time to also consider the type of food available in-low income neighborhoods: Corner stores don't usually have fresh food.

The United States is one of the only countries in the entire world to have such high cancer and heart disease rates, all of which can be contributed to the overuse of GMOs found in literally every single food and product item that United States citizens use. From bananas to lotion, they are laced with poisoned to ensure your inevitable heart failure, but don't worry, they won't let you die. Keeping you alive and unhealthy is far more profitable than if you were dead.

5. Hate speech is being protected by the justice system.

Although very clearly not supported in any way by our constitution, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Groups like The Westboro Baptist Church, the Ku Klux Klan and even our own government officials are often seen to be protected by officers when expelling hate speech from their ignorant mouths. Our current justice system is turning a blind eye to the police protecting and guarding these groups during protest. Not one report has been made of the groups protesting hate to be shut down. However, there is an innumerable amount of times when peaceful protests against injustice were completely shut down. People were arrested and many even lost their lives.

There is a very obvious lack of freedom for many in and outside our country. The United States, in many instances, has and still currently does retract freedom and the lives of others.

My freedom is not freedom, but rather only privilege. I demand a demise of both mine and others' privilege, and call for freedom for all. We are not free until we are all free. I will not celebrate the fourth of July until The United States of America really is the land of the free. Until then, make sure to raise your Kool-Aid glasses extra high during this delusional independence celebration.

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