A Black American Leaving A White Passing Africa:
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A Black American Leaving A White Passing Africa:

Dear Hostility

A Black American Leaving A White Passing Africa:
Taylor Burris

"Where are you really from?" I am African American with roots in America. Yes, my ancestors originated elsewhere, but I am from a long line of Americans. Why is this so hard to believe?

While in the Kingdom of Morocco my brown skin frustrated and confused many. "I know you were born in America, but where are you really from," many constantly asked, in an attempt to prove that I was lying about my place of birth.

Likewise, I was frustrated and confused upon my arrival to North Africa. Assuming that I was entering into a community full of chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut citizens, I was shocked that the majority are white passing. Yes, the French colonized Morocco but this does not excuse the fact that many don't even claim themselves as North African, only as Moroccan.

Moroccan born, Gnawan musician playing traditional Gnawan music with a "Moroccan native"

The complex identities within this kingdom's community marginalizes those Moroccans who do have darker skin such as the Amazigh/Berber, Gnawan, Philippine, and Sub-Saharan. Although this community seems to welcome and serves as a hub for "foreigners" and asylum seekers, they have yet to fully embrace everyone's cultures, affecting the "others" access to human rights, language, education and employment. Even if you and your parents were born in Morocco, your Dove chocolate skin may only land you a job hair braiding, and applying false lashes to fair skin Moroccans on the sidewalk out- skirting the medina walls.

I am no longer surprised by this phenomena only because these forms of oppression occur everywhere especially in America when it comes to fully embracing the "others" full integration into our society. But, how can we embrace the "other" if we can barely embrace one another and ourselves?

Billboards at 2016 watch party in Marrakech, Morocco

Recent 2016 elections call into question "what now?". Many have lost hope, continue to cry, are changing their names and choosing to leave Lady Liberty's Land. Instead of listening, compromising, and unifying, we have resorted to beating each other in the street, torching the city and have re-enforced what it means to racially profile and racially discriminate. But, just because you are black doesn't mean you didn't vote for Trump and just because you are white doesn't mean you should be targeted for the assumption that you did vote for Trump. We are all scared. But, besides the fact that we are scared for our futures, we are scared of one another.

I was fearful to return to America because of the ostracization I know I will face as a black woman. It is a problem that I am fearful of what I know is awaiting me in my own country. While we are scared of leaders of the Arab Nation, even though it is illegal for them to even carry guns, they are scared of us based off of the savagery they witness on social media of shootings, lynchings and the stoning of our neighbors.

This issue runs deeper than race. Don't stop being angry about the injustices you face in life, but also learn to listen, learn to question, learn to get out of your comfort zone, learn to challenge and most of all learn to accept. None of us know the answers, but we all have to live with each other.

If you are racist, sexist, a bigot , etc... learn to see each other as human first. Acknowledge that as humans we all are trying to survive the craziness that is life. Our human existence is what keeps us alive not our identity.

We are born into a life that at times we cannot control. If your neighbor is born in a Muslim country don't assume he or she is a terrorist and don't assume he/ she is Muslim. If your friend looks white don't try to reason their white appearance after discovering that they are in fact black. Don't always try to compromise, oppress and or fear someone else's existence, just accept their humanity. God teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and even if we all don't worship the same god or love ourselves, love is essential to making living in this world a tad bit easier. So start today.

With Love,

A Black Woman

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