Big Brother is a reality TV show showed aired on CBS hosted by Julie Chen. For those who do not what this show is here is a quick summary of how the show works. 16 house guests move into a studio-made house in Los Angles, California at the beginning of the summer and compete to win $500,000. The house guests have no connection to the outside world and only bring clothing and bathroom supplies into the house.
The show airs three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Each showing has a specific competition being played. Sunday nights are the HOH (Head of Household) competition. Winning HOH means you get your own big room, with your own bathroom, some of your favorite foods and a letter from home. The HOH nominates two house guests to get voted out of the house (in Big Brother terms those two house guests are now on the block). The next episode is the Veto Competition. The HOH, two nominations, and three random drawn house guests play to win the Power of Veto. The Power of Veto allows one person who was nominated to be removed from the block. The HOH then must nominate another house guest to go up on the block to possibly be evicted. Thursday nights are eviction nights. The house (minus the HOH) will vote for one of the two nominees to leave the house. In a way, this show is like Survivor but indoors.
Now a recap of this season so far and more importantly this week.
This season started with 12 new house guests going moving into the house. One of the biggest twists of the season was four players from previous seasons would also be playing for the half million dollars this summer. From the start of the show people started making alliances and the drama started quickly. Week by week there were many tears and goodbyes. Going on week eight in the Big Brother house there are eight players left.
Last week was one of the craziest weeks in the Big Brother house. This past week's HOH, Victor had been the third house guest voted out but was able to get back in the game by winning a competition against the first five house guests to be evicted. Last week Victor nominated two females, Michelle and Zakiyah, with a harsh speech. (watch below to grasp the dramatic effect of this nomination ceremony!) After the Veto Comp was won and the Veto was not used, Zakiyah was sent home.
Thursday, August 11, Julie Chen surprised the house with a double eviction episode. A week’s worth of competition and drama were going to be comprised into an hour long episode. Shockingly the HOH was won by Corey, who hasn’t done much this season. Corey put up Bridgette and Michelle for eviction. The Power of Veto was not used, so each nominee has a chance to give a speech on why they should stay. Michelle thought she was for sure going home so she called out other guests to leave on a happy note.
To her surprise she was not evicted from the house this week. But her speech sure stirred up the house. Going into next week’s episodes the house guests don’t know who to trust or what is around the corner. Tune into CBS Sunday night at 8 to catch up with the drama!