7 Best Vibrators Everyone’s Buzzing About This Spring
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7 Vibrators Everyone’s Buzzing About This Spring

"An orgasm a day keeps the virus away"

7 Vibrators Everyone’s Buzzing About This Spring

Due to increased social distancing and isolation orders from the government amid the global pandemic, it's been tough to find things to do around the house to occupy my time. Admittedly, I'm an extrovert so nothing about being stuck in the house seems like an ideal situation for me.

However, vibrators can be the perfect company to keep so much to the point where I've joked around and said: "an orgasm a day keeps the virus away," which may have a bit of truth to it considering masturbation helps the immune system and fights off infection. If you're like me and want to use this time of self-quarantine to stay up to date with the most buzz-worthy vibrators in the sex toy industry then without further ado, here are 7 of them:

Ruby Glow Dusk

We've all seen phalic shaped vibrators or smaller ones that mimic the shape of the palm of someone's hand, but it's not everyday that you see an affordable vibrator you can actually sit on and ride or grind against. Designed by international public speaker and inventor, Tabitha Rayne, Ruby Glow Dusk is the newest addition to the ride-on vibrator family. It's 10 unique powerful functions enhance the experience of those who favor a grinding sensation as they self-pleasure, so this dual motor ride-on vibrator is perfectly moulded to suit their needs!

UPRIZE Remote Control Black Erecting Realistic Dildo

This bionic vibrator took the internet by storm with a swiftness recently and understandably so! With it's revolutionary technology, the dildo delivers life-like erections with 10 modes of vibration. As if things couldn't get any better, it's features also include wireless remote control operation for hands-free fun or power play with a partner, an upward curve which is ideal for G-spot or P-spot stimulation and it's harness compatible for strap-on and pegging.

Amo Bullet Vibrator

Hot Octopuss' high quality bullet vibrator puts other bullet vibrators to shame due to its carfeuly placed contours and curves. It's easy to underestimate petite vibrators like this, but don't overlook Amo and its powerful motor that produces rumbly sensations for clitoral stimulation.

Tantus Vibrating Super Soft Cock Ring

This stretchy, beginner-friendly cock ring has a waterproof bullet vibrator attached to it so that it can be used as a clitoral stimulator for someone's partner or it can be placed behind the balls of the person wearing the cock ring for an added sensation.

Dual Motor G-spot Rabbit Vibrator

This list wouldn't feel right without including Paloqueth's G-spot Rabbit vibrator which just so happens to be a best-seller on Amazon right now. This waterproof toy features a familiar curved head with a couple of ridges to enhance the experience when the toy is inserted as well as soft ears designed to stimulate the clitoris and provide levitating orgasms per the reviews!

Penis and Clitoral Stimulator Ring

Another addition from Amazon's best sellers for sex toys is Adorime's cock ring, a couple vibrator for penis and clitoral stimulation featuring 9 powerful vibrations and wireless remote control! The distinctive U-shaped design allows for an easy wear and more comfortably at the base of the penis and testicles.

Rotating Anal Vibrator

This authentic silicone rotating anal vibrator mimics the effect of anal beads and comes with the right amount of girthy circular design as well as an average length. Plus, the features includes remote control, allowing for wireless play from 30 feet away so that you can tailer the dual motors at whatever sensation you please while keeping up with the social distancing rules and being at least 6 feet apart.

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