A (Kind of) Comprehensive List Of The Best Titles Coming To Netflix In September | The Odyssey Online
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A (Kind of) Comprehensive List Of The Best Titles Coming To Netflix In September

A.K.A. a guide to the best ways to procrastinate homework this month.

A (Kind of) Comprehensive List Of The Best Titles Coming To Netflix In September

With a whole semester of procrastinating upon us, Netflix decided to lend a hand to college students everywhere by adding a great crop of movies and TV shows to their library this month. Check out the list below for some suggestions and honorable mentions!

September 1 – "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" AND "The Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl"

As if the recent addition of Disney movies to the Netflix lineup didn't invoke enough nostalgia, Netflix has decided to add two more classic 90s childhood staples. Mr. Rogers' striped sweaters and wise advice almost seem even better and more relevant now from the perspective of a college student. On top of that, everyone knows that Taylor Lautner started his career as a heart-throb way before Twilight thanks to that cute, skin-tight Sharkboy costume. Grab some popcorn and friends and ditch the stress of the semester by reliving your childhood.

September 12 – "It Happened Here"

This 2014 documentary by director, Lisa F. Jackson, highlights the stories of five student survivors of sexual assault. The film delves into the private and intimate stories of abuse, rejection, and humiliation of five women who have chosen to turn their struggles into catalysts for change, particularly in how sexual assault cases are handled and resolved on college campuses nationwide. The film partnered with the White House's "It's On Us" campaign and continues to be screened at colleges across the country.

September 14 – "Moonrise Kingdom"

This 2012 Wes Anderson film holds an impressive 94 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It follows the adventures of two young children on an island off the coast of New England after they decide to run away and pursue their love. The cinematography is just as unique and quirky as viewers have grown to expect from Anderson's films, as are the characters. At just over an hour and a half, this film makes for a perfect study break.

September 25 – "Parenthood": Season 6

Anyone who was anywhere near social media on January 29, of this year, saw the madness that erupted after the Parenthood series finale. Personally, I saw claims that it was the "best series finale ever," and that the series, "couldn't have ended better." After such grand claims, I am definitely excited to see what all the hype is about. Now that the final season of the sitcom is being added to Netflix, I see some serious binge-watching in my future.

September 26 – "The Canyons"

This 2013 LINDSAY LOHAN FILM (yes, you read that right) has a ridiculous 23 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. It follows Lohan's character through a dangerous love affair and is one of those movies that is just so bad that it's good. It's perfect for a fun night in, with lots of wine. Plus, it's Lindsay. Duh.

**Honorable Mentions **

"Hamlet" (Sept. 1) – No need for Sparknotes when you can just watch the movie. Sorry, Prof.

"Rambo" 1, 2, AND, 3 (Sept. 1) – It's Sylvester Stallone and guns and classic 80s movie madness. It's a no-brainer.

"Drumline" (Sept. 3) – This film not only has great music, but it's Nick Cannon in his prime (a.k.a. pre-Mariah).

"The Walking Dead": Season 5 (Sept. 27) – Because everyone needs to get their zombie fix sometimes.

For a complete list of titles coming to Netflix this September and more ideas for Netflix and Chill, click here.

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