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Health and Wellness

10 Simple Ways To Look Your Best This Summer

A guide to looking great with as little effort as possible.

girl in hat

The last thing I thought I'd be writing about is beauty tips. I mean, I know next to nothing about makeup and it takes me about 5 minutes to get ready every morning. I spend every day of the summer chasing kids around or hanging out by the pool so I never really have time to focus on my looks. But because of this, I've mastered a few tricks to help me look good with as little effort as possible! Follow these 10 steps and you'll be able to roll out of bed every morning and feel completely confident in how you look.

1. Go all natural

This first step is something I've really been focusing on this summer. I have been trying to avoid using heat at all costs and I can already tell a difference. And it's crazy the amount of time I save when I don't feel the need to blow dry or straighten my hair every day! Chances are if you hate your natural hair, you've just been messing with it too much. give it a couple month with no heat + natural oils and you'll fall in love!!

2. But if your hair still needs a little help...

If you're like me and prefer your natural hair after a day at the beach opposed to how it looks when you let it air dry right out of the shower, try Make Waves sea salt hair tonic. I picked this up from Altar'd State a couple months ago and it's my new go-to hair product. Just spritz a little bit on your hair after you get out of the shower and voila - you'll have perfect beach waves!

3. Give your brows some attention

Eyebrows make a HUGE difference in your appearance. I look like a completely different person when I just get them done versus when I haven't touched them for a few weeks. But I'm not a big fan of paying to get them done every week either. So I always take some time every week or so to work on them on my own. Just because you can't go get them done doesn't mean you have to let them go crazy!

4. Wear sunscreen

I know we all want to be in the sun during the summer, and everyone feels SO much more confident when they're tan, but it's important to make sure you don't burn yourself! That tan you're trying to get is not worth the risk of a bad sunburn. Sun damage might not seem like too big of a deal now but if you don't take care of your skin now, it'll start to show later in your life!
Bonus tip: When you're shopping for sunscreen, always try to buy kinds that are good for your skin and won't cause breakouts.

5. Hydrate your skin

Between being in the sun 24/7 and chlorine from pools, my skin is always super dry during summer. That's why I try to put on lotion at least once a day to keep my skin hydrated and happy. My go-to is Dream Cream from Lush - it uses all natural ingredients and is great for people with sensitive skin!

6. Avoid awful break outs

It's important to be cleaning your face every day because between sunscreen and sweat, breaking out is inevitable. My favorite to use is Ocean Salt scrub from Lush. This is a great scrub that'll give you a deep clean. Plus it smells just like the beach, perfect for summer!

7. Go exercise

It's so easy to stop working out during the summer because you don't have as much of a routine schedule as you did during the school year. But if you get in at least a little bit of exercise every day you'll feel WAY more energize and happy. And when you feel better on the inside, you'll look better on the outside.

8. Drink TONS of water

I have this terrible habit of drinking coffee and soda all day long and by the end of the day, I'm just completely dehydrated. So, I've been trying to replace those unhealthy caffeinated drinks with water and trust me - it makes you feel a million times better. It's such a simple tip, but so important.
Bonus tip: If you feel hungry ALL the time, try drinking water before you reach for a snack! A lot of people mistake thirst for hunger and end up just making themselves feel worse by overeating.

9. Find the simple makeup trick that makes you confident

For someone like me who doesn't wear much makeup, one little bit of it can make a HUGE difference. My go-to beauty product is mascara. There's something about making my eyelashes pop that makes me feel a million times more confident. So, find out what your simple go to is and take advantage of that when you feel like your looks could use a quick, easy boost.

10. Get some sleep

After a school year full of neglecting my need for sleep - I take full advantage of the summers. I have literally been going to sleep at ten pm every single night and I don't think I've ever felt this good in my life. Sure, it's okay to stay up until three am one night to go out with your friends, but don't push yourself to stay up multiple nights in a row! Let your body rest so you can be ready to take on every single day.

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