13. Teaching me a good work ethic and how to spend my money. | The Odyssey Online
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16 Reasons You're The Best Dad A Girl Could Ask For

I'm so lucky to have you as my dad.

16 Reasons You're The Best Dad A Girl Could Ask For
Taylor Digman

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I'm so lucky to have you as my dad. Growing up I was always closer to mom. Life happened and we seemed to drift really apart. I was able to realize how much I needed you in my life and how important you are to me. After Tyler passed I really learned how important family is. We are each others rock, shoulder to cry on, smile when we need it, and a pair of ears when we need to talk. I am so grateful for everything you do for me. I'm so glad that I'm finally close to you and come to you for everything. So thank you for being the best dad a girl could ever ask for!

1. My best friend

Not until recently has this really came into play. The older I have gotten the more of a friend you have became. We are able to understand each other better and able to talk more on a personal level and I love that!

2. A parent

I never understood why you did the things you did and why I wasn't allowed to do certain things. I'm able to understand that now that I'm older. You were always my parent first and I can now not thank you enough for that.

3. My biggest cheerleader

It didn't matter what sport I was in (I tried almost every one!) you were always there cheering me on. I was lucky enough to have you as my coach in softball and basketball and I really learned a lot and was able to connect with you on that level. Fully taking on gymnastics didn't stop you from being my biggest supporter. You still came to as many meets as possible and were always so proud of me even if you didn't have any idea what I was doing!

4. My teacher about the world

You are so intelligent and really open to teaching me anything I want to know. This has helped me succeed in school and in life.

5. Always giving me everything I NEEDED

You may not have always given me everything I wanted but you gave me everything I needed. With this you taught me how to manage money and work hard for what I have.

6. Pushing me to chase my dreams.

Going to college wasn't really even a question. I had said since preschool that I wanted to be a teacher and you have done everything you could to help me get where I am today in my schooling. I have called you before making any big decision when it comes to school because I know you will tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.

7. Never letting me go to bed thinking I wasn't loved.

Growing up we never went to bed with out a hug and a kiss goodnight. This always made sure I felt loved before going to bed.

8. Making the BEST food.

Never let Kimmy near the food.

9. Loving cats just as much as I do.

I mean how could you not love our cats!

10. Quoting Shrek, Waterboy and the Lion King at any given part of the day.

It doesn't matter the situation, time or day we are always quoting movies. This is something special you, me and the girls all share. "Cakes have layers!"

11. Showing me how I should be treated.

You have always been so loving and set such a great example for us kids. You open the car door for Kim and show her so much love, always treating her like a princess. I now look for someone who will treat me the way you treat Kim.

12. Giving me a great home to grow up in.

Although you and mom ended up splitting when I was in high school, I always had a good life. When you were together there were no fights in front of us kids. You nor mom ever yelled at us or treated us poorly. We had a such a great life growing up because of the love you never failed to show us. When things went bad at school I knew I could come home and everything would be okay!

13. Teaching me a good work ethic and how to spend my money.

You have always worked hard for what you have! I started working at the age of 14 coaching gymnastics. I worked hard for my money and saved it. By the time I was fifteen I was buying my own clothes and shoes. If I wanted to do something I paid for it. I bought my first car and paid for all the repairs on my own. I bought a new car from a dealership and have monthly payments. I have never missed a payment. This is all because you taught me to get a job, go to work, work hard and spend wisely. I am very proud of what I have because I worked hard for it!

14. Giving me the best older brother I could have ever asked for.

I truly was blessed with the best older brother ever. I can't thank you enough for giving me Tyler. We didn't always get along but when we did it was some of the best moments of my life. I will forever cherish Tyler and some day we will all meet again in heaven. The best thing you and mom ever gave the girls and I was Ty!

15. Giving me the best younger sisters!

I am also so very blessed to have three younger sisters. They are my whole world. I'm so lucky to have three girls look up to me. With everything I do, I think of all of them. Would they be proud of me? If not then I shouldn't do it. They keep me on my toes and I'm so grateful for them. Thank you for giving me two sisters and finding Kim and giving me a wonderful step sister.

16. Being my dad!

I was blessed with the best dad out there. I truly believe that. You have done everything you can to give me the best life possible. I know lately life hasn't been the nicest to us but we have stuck together and we will get through this one step at a time. I love you dad!

xoxo, Forever your little girl

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