Bernie Sanders is running in the 2020 presidential campaign | The Odyssey Online
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My Favorite Person EVER Is Running For President Of The United States, And 2020 Is NOT Ready

Make way 2020 election, Bernie Sanders is ready and putting up a fight.

@kellicollinss on instagram


Not to be biased, but I want this man to be our president. I worship him. You could say I'm obsessive, and my poster, chia pet, stickers, pins, shirts and more prove that.

Kelli Collins fangirling over Bernie Sanders@kellicollinss on instagram

Back on topic, the 2020 campaign. Bernie Sanders announced on Tuesday, February 19th, in the morning. Bernie Sanders is no longer the underdog of an election.

After his run in 2016, he gained the attention of the progressives. After running as an independent with a progressive socialist agenda, he gained national attention by the people, especially the younger crowd.

Millennials and Generation Z was the biggest crowd that got the attention of Bernie. The older generation is worrisome of Bernie and his agenda. They find socialism, legalization of marijuana, free college, and more "too out there." Just me personally, I have asked the older generation (40+) what they think of him, and it worries him. Even how old he is and looks scares them.

But the younger generation loves him, including me. What he had to say stood up for the people who are growing up in this America. He is all for the people.

From 2016 to now, Bernie Sanders is a well-known politician by all. With passionate hate for Donald Trump and what he has done during his term as President, Bernie is not happy.

During Trump's whole term, he has been fighting the man and advocating for the people. During the 2018 Midterms, Bernie and his organization, Our Revolution, endorsed thousands of candidates running for local and state positions. He went on tour with some of these candidates too including our very own gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum.

Andrew Gillum rally with Bernie Sanders @kellicollinss on Instagram

Our Revolution "will reclaim democracy for the working people of our country by harnessing the transformative energy of the 'political revolution.' Through supporting a new generation of progressive leaders, empowering millions to fight for progressive change and elevating the political consciousness, Our Revolution will transform American politics to make our political and economic systems once again responsive to the needs of working families. Our Revolution has three intertwined goals: to revitalize American democracy, empower progressive leaders and elevate the political consciousness."

Bernie's 2020 campaign slogan on his site is "Not me. Us."

"No one candidate, not even the greatest candidate you could imagine, is capable of taking on Donald Trump and the billionaire class alone. There is only one way we win — and that is together."

When Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy, I saw nothing on my news apps than that headline. Everyone posted (including myself) how excited they are. It's a big deal that he is running again. He has a better shot now because of the recognition he gained from his previous 2016 candidacy. Will he win? No idea, but he has a great chance.

Maybe people will vote for him this time around because they want the complete opposite of Trump. And that is Bernie Sanders. (the love of my life)

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