Rise and Shine: Why Being a Morning Person is Actually Amazing
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Rise and Shine: Why Being a Morning Person is Actually Amazing

Become more productive by re-engineering your morning ritual.

Rise and Shine: Why Being a Morning Person is Actually Amazing

I believe in early mornings. A good, early morning can set the tone for a great day. A peaceful morning can leave you feeling well-rested all day long. A productive morning can put you in a great mood for hours. A healthy morning can make you feel awesome until you go to bed.

Imagine if the first few hours of your day were that happy, healthy, productive, and peaceful – every single day! It’s possible, even for college students with our random schedules and occasional lack of self-control. I am probably not categorized as your typical college student. I wake up at 5:30 A.M every morning and workout before going to class. Yes, it might sound crazy but surprisingly I enjoy it. I like to start my day off working out, that way I don’t have to dread or stress over when I will be able to fit it in later in the day. It makes for a much more relaxed, energetic, and productive day all around. I get that 5:30 maybe a bit overkill, especially for the average college student, but I promise you that any changes you make toward acclimating yourself to being a morning person will prove highly beneficial, especially if you’re in college.

If you’re a college student, there’s a good chance that you have experience juggling strenuous schoolwork, your sensational social life and countless other things (like trying to not gain 100 pounds). Although sleeping in may seem to solve all of your problems most days, you may be surprised to find that morning people take a lot of pressure off of themselves by getting a head start over late sleepers. As a now Sophomore in college and a morning person, I will be the first person to you that there is truth to this.

I have always been a morning person. I think it is because I really enjoy the early hours of the day. Feeling the crisp air and the quietness before everyone else starts their day brings me to a serene place. Mornings are usually my “me time” and when I feel most energized. I like to take full advantage of doing whatever I want with the little extra time I have. Taking my time in the morning lets me start my day out at ease, not in a rush and, best of all, stress-free.

I know the concept of being a “morning person” is alarming to many of you—especially as college students. But waking up before noon isn’t just a necessity (hello 8 a.m. lectures), but also will help prepare you for future endeavors (A.K.A being an adult).

So rise and shine (literally) with some tips on what you can do to be a better morning person:

1.Get up. Like physically get up out of your bed. Being up is one thing but moving around is completely different. If your biggest issue is just getting out of bed in the morning, then try using tactics that will motivate you to muster up the strength to get out of bed. If that means setting your alarm clock on the other side of the room then go for it. That way when it does go off in the morning, you have to choice but to literally get up to go turn it off. Once you get moving it is a little easier to keep moving. And once you get over the initial shock of the time and move past being groggy you will be able to reap the benefits of what the morning has to offer!

2.Play music. Create a morning playlist that makes you want to get up and move around. Music motivates and it’s always great to start your day off being motivated and in the mood to conquer. Listening to a playlist while getting ready can also be a good way to distract yourself. It can help you feel at ease; you don’t have to rush. That’ s the beauty of waking up early. There are no time constraints.

3. Revamp Your Routine. Take time to do a little something extra for yourself in the morning. Whether it be a face mask, teeth whitening, doing your nails, taking a hot shower, curling your hair. Do whatever makes you feel a little better about yourself. You have the time so why not! Try on a hundred different outfits. Pick the one that makes you feel confident and ready to knock the day out. Not only will you look good, you will feel a thousand times better. And nothing beats confidence!

5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don’t forget to grab something to eat before you head out to start your day. You know the saying: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Use breakfast as a reward. Make something you enjoy, whether that’s a great cup of coffee, a stack of pancakes, or a few eggs. This will give you the extra boost you need to get you through the day.

Why take all these steps to become a morning person? Well, this is all personal preference, if it works for you great, if it doesn’t don’t stress it! Ultimately, I want to use that morning time to be more productive and start my day off with a positive more relaxed vibe. Each morning is a new day. A new day that provides you will a new opportunity for a clean slate, a chance to start the day off on the right foot. Keep this in mind the next time you hit snooze and surprise yourself with the endless possibilities that the morning can entail. So rise and shine, it’s time to smell the crisp fall air!
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