Bates Motel: A Review | The Odyssey Online
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The Ending of 'Bates Motel' Is THE Series Finale of All Finales

Through pleasure and pain, this show has ended the way I never expected... beware of spoilers!

Maxime Roedel

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After devoting many restless nights to this five season spin-off show, I can honestly say, "WOW!"

I am so impressed with the way they developed the story and characters from a small storyline from the original film. Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 Psycho was one of the most controversial films of all time, and this show just adds to that original fire that Hitchcock was going for.

As the audience, you get to know Norman Bates as an awkward teen who just moved to Oregon with his mother, Norma. The two already have a strangely close relationship, but this wasn't described in the original. It was great to see how they would tie in the original film to this already disturbing tale.


This was the introduction to all of the characters, and you get to see the way things work and operate in White Pine Bay. Norman starts at the local highschool and we then meet Bradley Martin, a popular girl who takes Norman under her wing, and then he meets Emma Decody, another awkward teen in highschool who has lung problems.

Norman comes home and finds his mother being raped, and all sorts of crazy stuff goes down. Norma shares with Norman that her brother raped her repeatedly when they were growing up.

They meet Sheriff Romero in this season, and he plays a big role in their lives eventually. Bradley Martin fakes her own death, and leaves town. Norman's teacher Blaire Watson takes a liking to Norman, and develops an inappropriate relationship with Norman. Though things go south quickly after Norman was with her the night she was killed...


Norman obsesses over Blaire Watson's death, and Norma decides to audition for a play to distract her and Norman where she meets Christine, a rich local. After Norman stays to work the play, Norma hears plans of a bypass being placed right before her motel which she thinks will be bad for business. So Christine invites Norma out for some social events, and meets some heavily influential people. Norma meets Nick Ford, who is also in the drug business, and he happens to help her postpone the bypass, by killing a member on the social council, thus rendering her a seat.

Dylan enters the drug business in White Pine Bay, and makes a name for himself. Dylan's boss named Zane Morris messes with Nick Ford, and causes a huge drug war.

Emma meets a boy named Gunner that she takes a liking to, that happens to work in the drug business. Norman's blackouts get worse as Caleb, Norma's brother and Dylan's father, makes a return to town to see Norma, and Norman makes a visit to his motel room and thinks he is his mother. These blackouts get progressively worse as he hangs out with a bad apple named Cody, who drinks... a lot.

Norman gets into more trouble with Sheriff Romero when he was involved in an accident at Cody's house, which was ruled as self-defense, but resulted in the death of Cody's father. Nick Ford takes Norman hostage when Norma and Dylan don't comply with his wishes, and we find out that Nick Ford is the father of Blaire Watson, which Sheriff Romero thinks that Norman was her killer.


We start this season with the death of Norma's mother, who wasn't in her life at all. Caleb comes back to give Dylan some money from his mother's death, but Dylan refuses to use it. Dylan is planning on starting a legal medicinal marijuana farm, and we meet Chick Hogan for the first time, who is an arms dealer and Dylan's new neighbor.

Norman starts to have more blackouts as his senior year begins, and Norma lets him homeschool, but also manage the motel. Emma follows in his footsteps as she becomes weaker.

An escort, Annika Johnson, checks into the motel and goes missing, and leaves behind an invitation to the Arcanum Club, where they host parties for White Pine Bay's most elite members. Norma begins to panic for fear of Norman's sanity. We come to find out that Annika is not dead, but was shot... and then she died. She left behind a flashdrive for Norma to dispose of. But this flashdrive came at the expense of two girls lives. This flashdrive belonged to the Arcanum Club President, Bob Paris, an infamous elitist who hid the involvement of other elitists in the drug trade in White Pine Bay.

Bradley Martin makes another appearance...until she tries to drag Norman away from home, and he kills her. Norman and Emma try to date each other, but Norma gets in the way of them progressing like a normal couple.

Dylan continues with his farm, and grows a relationship with his father, Caleb. Emma and Dylan bond over their similar exclusion bond and desire to be part of the Bates family, and we learn that Emma's condition is worsening over time.


At the end of the third season Chick and Caleb get into a bloody fight, and Caleb steals his money. That money is used for Emma's lung transplant. Dylan and Emma get very serious as they move to Seattle together, and Norman gets progressively worse as Audrey Ellis-Decody stays at the Bates Motel...and he kills her. Norma becomes desperate when it comes to protecting Norman, and tries to take him to an institution.

Norman was blacked out and found in a field talking to himself and he becomes violent and is sent to a psych ward. As Norman is stuck, and Norma doesn't have the funds to help him.. she becomes desperate and asks Sheriff Romero to marry her so she could have his insurance. Romero was reluctant, but quickly decided to help Norma. In season three, the DEA went after Bob Paris, but Sheriff Romero beat them to him, and killed him and took his runaway cash.

Romero uses that runaway cash to pay for Norman's admittance into Pineview Institute, where Dr. Edwards pushes Norman to the brink. We see Norman's developing Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) get worse as he blackouts left and right, thinking he is Norma.

Norman finds out about the newlywed couple, Alex Romero and Norma Bates... who secretly are in love, and demands to go home. Norman's goal to drive the couple apart is greatly successful as he plans to kill himself and Norma so they could be together...forever. This plan was soiled as Norma died, and Norman lived.

Sheriff Romero, determined to prove that Norman killed her, gets arrested for lying to the DEA about his involvement in knowing about the drug trade and Bob Paris.


With Norman off his blackout medications and his frozen mother's corpse in the basement, he believes that Norma lives with him, everywhere. We begin this season with Dylan and Emma, both married and with a daughter, Katie. They have no idea about Norma's death, which leads to Caleb coming home for a visit...but he ends up dead as well.

Norman manages the motel and maintains a social life as both Norma and Norman. He goes into town and meets a woman named Madeleine Loomis, who has a striking resemblance to Norma, and he takes a strong liking to.

He meets her husband, Sam Loomis, but as a motel customer who checked-in as a "David Davidson" when meeting another woman for a quick rendezvous. Norman shares this information with his wife, Madeleine. We later meet Marion Crane (Ring any bells???), who is played by Rihanna, and she is the other woman to Sam Loomis... though she doesn't know that he is already married.

Unlike in the original, Norman lets Marion get away, because he sympathizes with her. And Sam Loomis runs after her, but Norman gets him instead. (Personally, I loved this twist!)

Sheriff Romero sends Jim Blackwell to murder Norman, but Norman kills him too. Romero escapes and vows to Kill Norman.

Dylan comes to visit Norman when he finds out that Norma is dead, and his relationship with Emma suffers as we later find out that Norman killed Audrey. He witnesses Norman going crazy, and then he confesses to murdering Sam Loomis and turns himself in.

Romero comes back to the house and finds out that Chick Hogan was writing a novel in the basement about Norman, and he shoots him in the head. He runs to the station and gets Norman out and plans to kill him too, but Norman kills him first.

Dylan watches Norman lose his wits, and he shoots him. Norman dies, and it was an ending of all of the endings. Dylan moves on to his life, and White Pine Bay was fine thereafter.

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