After a final show or competition, a nice week or two break from slipping on ballet shoes and finding hair pins all over your house sounds relaxing. The idea of resting your body is foreign and seems scandalous after months of intense rehearsals and preparation, but it also seems comforting and like a gift from the dance gods.
Although during the first few days of break you have mini heart attacks every night thinking that you missed class, soon you become accustomed to going out late and making last-minute plans without ever speaking the words, "Sorry, I can't. I have dance." Even your friends begin to question why you have so much free time all of a sudden and why you're cracking your hips more often.
But then, the time is up. You need to break out a fresh pack of hair nets and bobby pins, (or find your old pack) wash your tights and get back to class. Although it is nice to head back to something you love so much, there are a few realizations that hit during the first week of classes that you were not expecting. Of course the soreness is to be expected, no one is ever prepared for just how sore you'll actually be after not dancing for more than a week.
Putting your favorite leotard on for the first time in weeks and feeling like a star.
Spending so much time on your hair trying to make it look perfect.
But really you end up looking like a troll since it has been forever since you have done a bun.
Walking back into the studio as if you own the place.
Opening your dance bag and expecting everything to be organized an clean.
But instead all your stuff falls out and your bag smells like 200 sweaty feet.
Stepping up to the barre ready to show the world how fabulous you are.
But finding out your body forgot how to move, and you feel like a sack of potatoes.
Waking up the next morning and crying because of how sore you are.
Finding out that your favorite pair of pointe shoes are now dead since being abused throughout rehearsals and shows.
What you imagine your teacher is thinking when the whole class forgets a step you learned two months ago.
The feeling you have after you've begged three teachers for a stretch class.
How the entire class looks by the end of the week.
All you want to do when you get home on Friday.
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