Back 2 School: The 8 Stages You Go Through Before Going Back To College
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Back 2 School: The 8 Stages You Go Through Before Going Back To College

'Tis the season for back to school commercials, sales at Target, and haphazardly packing.

Back 2 School: The 8 Stages You Go Through Before Going Back To College

If you're anything like me, you probably enjoy the idea of going back to school more than the actual 'going' part. Don't get me wrong, I love my school! I miss my friends and can't wait to get back to working towards my future career. However, I, like many other college students, could do without the actual process of getting ready to go back. So, for your enjoyment and as a way to procrastinate from my own packing, here are the 9 stages you may go through before officially going back to college.

1. Denial

So, it's time to go back to school...yet you refuse to believe it’s actually as close as it is. As a result, you continue life at your leisurely, summer pace. You see, you know that it's coming but it hasn't fully registered yet. It's like a far off date that you know is coming but can never see arriving. This denial grants you the ability to see 'Back 2 School' commercials and sales without freaking out. ( least, not yet)

2. Procrastination

Once denial has fully set it, its best friend, procrastination, decides to join the party. Since you see all these reminders that school is coming back but never take them seriously, you end up procrastinating. You don't pack early like you should, necessary appointments aren't made, you don't hit up the 'back to school' sales and you haven't cracked open a book all summer. (Yikes) At the moment, the severity of all this hasn't hit. (But when it won't be pretty)

3. Panic

Now you've finally realized that school is indeed coming back sooner than you think (yes, really) and that your summer has flown away from you. Just like that, a thousand thoughts flood your mind as you try figuring out what to get done first. you've got to buy stuff, pack it, plan your trip (if you haven't already), get appointments out of the way, finalize your schedule and a thousand others. (I've got 99 problems and don't know where to start).

4. Regret

You've finally started panicking...and have also started regretting not doing all this stuff earlier. Why didn't you listen to your mom? (Netflix was louder) Why didn't you read those emails from your school earlier? (Amazon Prime's notifications got in the way) Whatever the excuse, nothing can change the fact that you now need to get all this stuff done as fast as humanly possible.

5. Mourning

As you pack frantically whilst pulling out your hair over the smallest of details (Where are my shower shoes? Why don't I have any matching socks? WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?! Check your head), you will start to mourn the loss of your summer. Pretty soon, gone will be the days of lounging around the house in your PJ's all day without (much) judgement from your peers. Yes it is sad, but all good things must come to an end. is fun! (But Organic Chemistry isn't as fun as watching Gossip Girl on Netflix with your dog)

6. Fear

In addition to packing like a madman, regretting your life choices and sulking over the end of your summer, you've also started to get a little scared. Obviously, you know that eventually you'll be done, but are you ready for the new year? Depending on where you go to college and where you live, it will be another 3-4 months before you see your family again. Your classes will, no doubt, be harder and you don't know if you want to go back yet (Even though you have to).

7. Determination

This is the stage you decide to suck it up and finish what has to be done. Even though you're short on time, you make it work. You get your appointments in, hit up whatever's left of the sales and manage to fit four months of clothes into your luggage/storage container. (By some miracle of God/Allah/whatever deity you worship, you have made it.) Congratulations!

8. Excitement

Excitement is actually prevalent throughout the cycle but is most seen at the end, you know, once you have all the hard stuff out of the way. Now that you are officially ready to go back, you get excited over seeing your friends, sorority sisters/fraternity brothers, and getting back to the busy life of a college student. (This usually lasts until the end of syllabus week)

Bonus Stage: Broken Promises

By the end of the cycle, you have promised yourself that you won’t do this again next summer, but who are you kidding. This will 99% probably happen again. The best thing you can do is hope that future you prepares a little bit earlier. (Like a week in advance)

These were the eight steps that you may go through when preparing to go back to college. Hopefully, you'll leave this cycle unharmed and excited for the new year. As for me, I've got to get back to packing, because you know, school is coming.

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