Aquaponics: The New Frontier Of Sustainable Farming | The Odyssey Online
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Aquaponics: The New Frontier Of Sustainable Farming

Finding New Ways To Encourage and Sustain Life

Aquaponics: The New Frontier Of Sustainable Farming
Aquaponics Plans

Within recent years, the word sustainability has become a hot button for many working in environmental or agricultural fields. The newer generation of consumers have become more invested in where, and how, the products they are purchasing are being cultivated. While the increased awareness is a huge step in the right direction, problems with a correctly educated public have arisen. Farmers now have to be more transparent when it comes to their farming methods while simultaneously dealing with a public often educated with incorrect and outdated material. Farming practices are constantly being researched for improved efficiency, and new ideas are being formed every day. One of the new ideas that have come into the light in recent years is aquaponics.

Utilizing a symbiotic relationship, aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, fish farming, and hydroponics, farming without soil. It involves three main factors in a closed loop system: fish, plants, and nitrifying bacteria. By creating waste, the fish provide a food source for the plants which is then turned into a nitrogen form by bacteria that plants can use, in turn, the plants act as a filter to purify the water for the fish, so the system can continue to use the same water with minimal loss. The system, in general, does not use soil, meaning that the challenges that are usually present in farming do not exist with this system. There is no need for composting, adding outside fertilizer, or tilling. The security of the system also provides greater control for organic crops by eliminating any worry of pesticides and herbicides leeching from other farmlands. This eliminates vast amounts of human, mechanical, and chemical involvement making aquaponics a new and viable choice for sustainable farming.

Aquaponics does suffer from some drawbacks. The types of crops that are compatible with the system are limited, the most commonly grown being leafy vegetables, herbs, and tomatoes. The facilities, outside of smaller local systems, can run a high price tag. Though after a few years the system will pay for itself, initial start-up requires a decent amount of capital.

The idea of aquaponics is still new and has many years to develop and improve before it becomes a viable option for larger more widespread operations. Currently though, it is a new hope for sustainable farming, one that will carry us into the next generation of ideas and practices.

If you have an interest in aquaponics and wish to gain a better understanding of how they work, home systems are completely within reach and require minimal monetary investment. I encourage you to do some research on the systems and look into one that best suits you.

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