10 Ways To Treat Anxiety And Depression Naturally
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10 Ways To Treat Anxiety And Depression Naturally

Ways to conquer the unknown.

10 Ways To Treat Anxiety And Depression Naturally

We all get a little bit anxious sometimes. A little bit sad sometimes. Some more than others. Some less than others. But it happens. And unfortunately, a lot of us suffer from mental illness. The university I just graduated from lost an amazing soul just a few weeks ago due to suicide. I am so ashamed that this boy felt that he had no other option and I felt so sorry that he was in so much pain. And although this boy was a stranger to me, I grieved his loss. I cried, I was upset, I thought about him every day for two weeks.

I believe anxiety and depression can be seen in a positive light. And usually anxiety and depression go hand in hand. I believe that we should see it as a blessing, that not many people have. An ability to see through others emotions, a sensitivity that not everybody has. A fuel of anxiety that has led to many creations and entrepreneurs of our world. To this day, we cannot find a cure for mental illness. Its the unseen cancer. We just simply cannot see it as well as other illnesses. So unfortunately, we use the same anti-depressants created years and years ago. Its difficult to see depression under an MRI. Its difficult to understand mental illness without slicing someones brain. So, instead, here are 10 ways to take your anxiety/depression, kick its butt, and use it as your fuel to do good and contribute to this beautiful world!

1. Take a step back and evaluate why you are feeling the way you do.

1.1 If there is a reason, try to evaluate how logical it is for you to be anxious or depressed over that reason and do things to get your mind off of it and move on.

Number 1 wont work for people who suffer from chronic anxiety and depression. And some of the time, people with anxiety or depression are very high functioning. So they ARE doing things to keep their mind off of it. But there is nothing to keep their mind off of. Their mind is uncontrollable. There is no reason they feel anxious or depressed. Its in the hands of anybody but their own. Its a state of mind that cannot be explained until you've felt it yourself. Its an illness that we have to all accept as a society, instead of stigmatizing it. So here are nine OTHER ways to treat depression and anxiety, that actually do work if you try to follow them.

2. Meditate

2.2 So meditating can be hard, especially when you have a running mind. But when I say meditate, I don't mean just sit there and try to think about nothing. To me, meditation has a definition in the eye of the beholder. Thats the whole point, its personalized. Or at least it should be. If you have a night light, thats the best option as dim light is known to increase a sense of calm. Try to keep whatever room you are in, clean and tidy because research shows that a messy room can cause anxious thoughts! As you sit there, try to do any type of stretch that feels good to YOU for however long you like. Breathe in and out. Then find a high surface, probably your bed. Lay on your back and hang upside down on the edge of your bed. This will allow all the blood to rush to your brain, and it feels amazing. Don't do this for too long because you don't want to hurt yourself.

3. Stay Hydrated

3.3 Drink a lot of water! And avoid drinking alcohol every weekend. Its OK to drink sometimes, but if its a frequent activity, it may play a factor in why you feel so anxious and depressed all week. Tequila is pretty much the only stimulant in the family of alcohols (my go to drink, of course!) Coffee is OK, and I understand how addicting it can be. I understand life without coffee is the worst! For me, coffee doesn't make my heart race or anything crazy like that. But I know some people who can only drink decaf because otherwise they will become anxious or cannot sleep the following night. If you are blessed like me with the coffee bean genes, you have nothing to worry about!

4. Keep Busy

4.4 I know that keeping busy might sound difficult when you are feeling anxious, but its the best thing you could do. Most of the geniuses of the world have chronic anxiety illness! High anxiety links to high IQ, or so researchers tell us. And high anxiety has lead to many huge successes in life such as Steve Jobs, Thomas Jefferson, and Estee Lauder. So use that anxiety! Why not? Use it as your fuel. See it as a blessing. Use it as your fire. Do something great! Let your mind run, let your thoughts flow, let the ideas pour in! Do well in school, kick butt at your new job, make your ideas come to life. Find a skill you love to do!

5. Volunteer

5.5 Helping others will only always help yourself too. Your soul, heart, mind, body. You will be a happier person when you know you've helped another be happy as well. It may not cure anxiety or depression, but it will help you appreciate your life just a little bit more. And that can certainly help your mind become stronger in its fight against a mental illness. Those with anxiety and depression also tend to be more understanding and empathetic. They can read emotions of others so well, better than anybody else. They are sensitive, and emotionally intelligent. They understand their own emotions and are very well aware that they are feeling the way they do. The bad things that happen in the world affect them more than "normal" people. Most people can brush things off easily and move on with their lives. So if you're having a tough time "moving on," volunteer and contribute to your community! Or if possible, try to volunteer or donate to the negative event that is causing you to be upset for a long period of time.

6. Find Support

6.6 Don't ever keep your emotions to yourself. Find somebody you trust. A lover, a friend, a family member. A stranger! Anybody. The more you bottle up your emotions, the more it will blow up in your face and others. It will cause a mental breakdown. The healthiest thing you could ever do is just share your feelings with another person. Chances are, somebody else feels the same way you do. After all, anxiety and depression is an epidemic in our generation.

7. Stay Active

7.7 Workout! Do yoga, go for a run, lift weights, do squats (ladies). Don't look at it as a chore. Look at it as a thing to do. Something to keep you going throughout the day. A way to un-wind and de-stress after a hard day of keeping busy and working hard. A way to release your (anxiety and frustration) naturally and healthfully. As a bonus, your body will be looking its all time best.

8. Try Herbal Medicine

8.8 Saffron is a natural anti-depressant, and Kava tea is a natural anti-anxiety treatment. Always do your research on any herbal remedy you try, but its always worth a try. And don't over do it. Too much of anything can be bad.

And lastly, I know that sometimes even with performing the above, life can get the best of you. Your mind can get the best of you. But don't ever forget that its YOUR mind. And always have faith (in whatever you believe in or don't believe in), that you are beautiful and strong enough to conquer anything. Life is so beautiful, and we may see the bad things on TV, or Facebook, or in the streets, but life is so beautiful. Life is worth fighting for, and there is so much a single human being could contribute to our world and society. Every life is valuable, and hopefully the exercises above can help anybody suffering from mental illness to strengthen their mind and use their weakness as their strength. And always remember...

If things are getting really bad, please please please --

9. See a doctor, don't be afraid to try medication or make a lifestyle change. Call somebody you love or trust.

10. Keep positive and kick any negativity out of your life.

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