An Open Letter To My First College Roommate
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An Open Letter To My First College Roommate

Thoughts on the roommate life :)

An Open Letter To My First College Roommate

Being paired with a stranger who a computer algorithm deems “compatible” with you is an idea that is both daunting and exciting. With it comes a wonderful new set of experiences. I want to share my thoughts on my roommate life so far, but also I want to make a disclaimer that not everyone may relate to my experiences.

To my first college roommate,

I vividly remember checking the housing portal on the website in the middle of the summer at 2am. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. And aha! There was your name, a name I did not recognize. You were going to be the person I would live with for the next year. You weren’t one of those people who posted a lot on the Facebook group, nor were you active on other social media platforms. But you messaged me and gave me your life synopsis and I immediately thought the worst of you. You’re a recruited volleyball player and I am panting after walking up one flight of stairs. You like country music, and I like classical. How could the survey possibly think we would be compatible roommates?! It honestly seemed like we would have nothing in common, and I was quick to assume that we wouldn’t get along, but here we are, one month into college, living so compatibly together.

Here are a few moments that have made me grateful to be your roommate:

1. Matching bedding (by accident). When we moved in, the first thing I noticed was your bright flowery bedding… coincidentally the very same bedding that I had bought too. So I suppose we had one thing in common…

2. Your appreciation for naps. After class -- you’re napping. Back from the gym -- you’re napping. After a shower -- you’re napping. For this very reason, I thank you so much for dimming the lights and creating the perfect sleep space, and allowing me to power nap whenever I have needed to, especially before my 10pm dance rehearsals. You understand the power of sleep. Thank you!

3. The random notes we leave for each other. We have such different schedules- juggling music rehearsals, sports practices, late-night studying, etc. But what always makes my day is the adorable little post-its you leave on my desk-wishing me luck for auditions, keeping me up to date, or giving me cookies.

4. Speaking of cookies -- thank you so much for bringing me food. Our room has acquired a mini apocalypse stash of all sorts of necessities, ranging from cookies, granola bars, mac and cheese, oranges, trail mix, hot chocolate, etc. Freshman fifteen, here we come!

5. The late night conversations: From complaining about the odd dorm hall ruckus on random Tuesday nights, to sharing advice on awkward situations, to sharing mutual struggles with school. I don’t really see you much during the day, but these late night heart-to-heart discussions are ones I truly cherish, and make me appreciate you even more.

6. Thank you for helping through the cold. You’ve given me so many tips on how to stay warm in the New England tundra. You’ve patiently answered all my questions. Where do I buy the best coats? Waterproof boots? Warmest gloves? Hats? Also, thank you for throwing your duvet comforter on my bed that one morning when I was so cold.

7. Random acts of kindness: That one time you took note of my favorite song when I casually mentioned it in conversation, and then discreetly connected to my Bluetooth speakers and played it in the morning. It made me feel happy for the rest of the day.

My first impressions of you have transformed so drastically in one month, and I am so grateful to have such a caring and thoughtful roommate. Though we have had moments of miscommunications and disagreements, we seem to compromise. I am excited for the adventures that await. Thank you for making our little abode feel a little more like home.


Your roommate

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