Dear Best Guy Friend,
I don’t think I’ve ever expressed how much you mean to me. You’ve been by my side through the good times and the bad and the nasty. You’ve seen my laugh like an idiot, cry hysterically and eat like a literal cow. The whole time, you never judged me. You just sat there, patiently and listened to me. You gave me advice on my family drama, friend drama and boy drama. You’re always down to get food, no matter what time of the day (or night). You’ve saved me from making (stupid) mistakes multiple times and always drop everything for me when I need you. And for that, I thank you.
I love everything about our friendship; the way we can talk about anything or just sit in silence, the way we have the same thoughts, the way we support each other and how we made each other our official backup plan. We laugh at how often we’re mistaken for boyfriend and girlfriend when in reality, we’re each other’s go to wingman/woman. We’re extremely protective of each other’s hearts when it comes to dating. I know on many occasions, you would tell me that you disapprove of the guy I’m into and tell me I’m better than him. Then, you would be there to comfort me when I didn’t listen and got my heart broken. You’ve taken me to the doctor when I was sick and too stubborn to go. When I needed a ride somewhere, you didn’t even offer to drive me, you’d just show up. You even bought me tampons and chocolate when I got my period once and have put up with me at my bitchiest.
You saw me at my best and at my worst. You were there through every heartache I ever endured and defended me when I couldn't. You supported me at every show I was in and always told me the truth and never sugarcoated things. Because of our friendship, our families are close and I don’t know what I would do without you and your amazing family. I think my parents like you more than me sometimes. And I love how welcomed I always feel when I come over.
Best Guy Friend, you are the nicest, sweetest, most patient person in the world and I hope you know that everything you do for me doesn’t go unnoticed. I can only hope I’m just as good as a friend to you when you need me. You're the Joey to my Phoebe and Marlin to my Dory. Thank you again for putting up with me and always accepting me for who I am.
Love always,
Your Best Gal Pal