An America Divided
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An America Divided

An insight into a divided America, and what we need for a brighter future.

An America Divided
Our Divided Political Heart

The 2016 election portends a crucial time in the history of the United States, or what we claim used to be the "United" States. Now, more than ever, it appears that a political divide has been both metaphorically and literally wedged between us. We give a new honor to the game by brandishing ourselves with the moniker of either being a Republican or Democrat or some mix of the in-betwixt. When in reality, we should above all else, view ourselves as Americans in this trying time of hardship, civil unrest, and inequality.

The brutal truth lies in the fact that our country is now in a state of constant dissonance. And although our country is plagued with trials of our time, we will endure, as the past generations have and as we will always continue to do; Because we as Americans are a people of undeniable fortitude in spirit, intellect, and constitution.

It seems as though we are constantly caught up in a repetition of the historical problems throughout our young country's track record. In these times we need to learn from our past mistakes. We have learned much and applied little, applied some and denied majorities. As in the case with civil rights: We continue to acknowledge racism and bigotry, and yet do nothing to halt its progress. We live in a time where water is undrinkable for some and then is overshadowed by some celebrities divorce or the rising of a popular fad. People of our own country are denied rights because of rhetoric and an unchanging tradition that continues to spread the dogmatic prophecy spat through the mouths of a classic elite.

We have bought into corporate capitalism and the thought that trickle down economics actually works, instated and reinforced by the unthinking majority and have denied the constant reminder that our planet is fragile and needs our help now more than it ever has in the entirety of history.

We can no longer allow this wedge to go on, we cannot be the ignorant country anymore: Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, it makes no difference. This country cannot survive the duplicity that we portend anymore. Now, more than ever, we need to be Americans, a people united. Imagine what we could accomplish if we as a country once again worked together.

We could, over time, breed understand and love, and usher in a new era of American prosperity. We need to take care of our people, both rich and poor. Spread the wealth of knowledge and make sure that every man, woman, and child receives a proper education, food and is raised in an environment that encourages growth and creativity instead of danger and stagnation.

Opinions need not be forced on people, only understood. The radicalism of both the left and right parties needs to be swiftly swept aside if anything is to be done about the current state of affairs

The most important word of this coming era that needs to be understood is "compromise." In the past, both parties have worked together to make this country the pillar of what it once was. If this understanding and mutual respect of each other's values were to be reconciled we would see the senate and congress make much more progress instead of worrying about how much money someone is making, we need to worry about the quality of life amongst the average citizen again. Spreading the love of our neighbors instead of being quietly resigned to suffering and suffrage.

Our predecessors believed in an America that was equal and so should we. By what right do we deny any rights to anything human being? People are the great catalyst that make the wheels and cogs of industry turn; everyone human is born equal with their own rights and purpose and it is in this theory that everyone deserves rights to an equal and free life devoid of bigotry, bias, and malice.

It is in this era that we are an America united, and must above all else forge a better future for tomorrow, brick by brick, case by case, until we make a better tomorrow.

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