Throughout this 2015-2016 presidential election cycle, many individuals have asked me exactly why I support Donald Trump for president. Trump has been called many names while running for president; among them include racist, bigot and sexist. Some Christians cannot vote for Trump because he owns strip clubs and casinos. Some believe he possesses pride issues. The most obvious response I would have to these objections is ask yourself one question Christian: "Is Donald Trump running for president or interviewing to be your pastor?"
I grow tired of Christians complaining that they "do not want to vote for the lesser of two evils." Who said Trump is evil? Do you hold yourself to the same standard that you are holding Donald Trump? Is it truly racist to want to deport illegal aliens? It is racist to want to brand radical Islamic terrorism a threat and want to protect American interests at heart? To quote Mike Huckabee, "I’m not going to try and suggest that Donald Trump is in any way the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul, but he’s been very open to not only dialogue with – but listen to and understand where many people in the faith community are coming from” (
Not only is the next President inheriting a mess from our current president, Barrack Obama, but also they will most likely be nominating up to three Supreme Court justices. Christian, do you want to leave that duty to Hillary Clinton? Many Christians like to quote Charles Spurgeon: "Of the lesser of two evils, choose neither." However, I offer you these words from Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary: "To not vote is to vote." I like to push the envelope further even further by saying tonot vote is to vote for Hillary Clinton.
In an article written by Wayne Allyn Root on, he stated: "Maybe God is trying to tell us something important- that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished" (
America needs a strong, tough warrior. In this his article, Root elaborated upon the fact that God sends and anoints different individuals for different time periods. He explained that "being nice" did not bring an end to WWII. Do you honestly believe that President Obama would have the gusto to drop atomic bombs? Over the course of his presidency, he has dropped our total nuclear count by almost 20 percent ( ISIS has established itself as a legitimate threat in our global world. Thousands of individuals have died at the hands of Radical Islamic Terrorists and you want me to believe that of all people, Hillary Clinton is going to be tough on terrorism? A woman who has failed as Secretary of State and used her private email server to send classified information? If you don't believe that she did, you need to watch this video.
What I am not saying is that Donald Trump is the most Christian man to walk on the face of the earth today. In fact, I'll proudly claim that he probably wasn't the most Christian man who ran for the GOP nomination. However, when electing a candidate, does God always send us the most Christian man? I would argue He would allow or send exactly what this country needs. I happen to believe that America needs a savy, smart, highly-educated business man who truly loves the United States. Isn't the mark of a man how his own children turn out?
U.S. News described Trump's decision to select Mike Pence as: "strategic," "solid," and "safe." Pence has many accomplishments to cite, including signing the "right-to work" law, which empowered blue collar workers and also relieved pressure of the "big-labor industry" (
Pence is often described as a strong-willed, soft-spoken republican, and in many ways, I believe will bring balance to Trump's out-spoken demeanor. When Trump first declared his run for President in June of 2015, he continually spoke of surrounding himself with experience and politicians with proven track records. So far, Trump has held to that promise, and Pence only strengthens that particular claim. Other key individuals include Paul Manafort, Michael Glassner and Jim Murphy. These individuals have experience running campaigns for Bob Dole, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush.
Pence is a staunch supporter of Pro-Life positions and even led the efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. Remember, this November you can vote for Donald Trump or you can vote for a woman who used her private email server to send classified information, allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and ushered the Iran Nuclear Deal, one of the worst deals in Middle East Policy History.