You wake up one morning, fix your hair, do your make-up. You look great so you post a picture on Instagram. You go on about the day. By the end of the day, your post has 30+ likes, so you post another "selfie" the next day. But this one only gets maybe 10 likes. The world is full of superficialities. We are bombarded daily by airbrushed people no bigger than the average 12 year old before puberty.
Growing up, I had no confidence. I was the poster child for the "awkward 2000's kid" phase. I had a bad perm, braces, glasses, and I didn't know how to dress or wear make-up. I was quiet and awkward. I was very shy--still am at times--but I never left my personal bubble. People who know me will tell you I'm a completely different person than who they went to school with. I went to a small high school, moved to Conway after I graduated, and burst out of my shell during the first year of college. But it was a false confidence. I listened to guys tell me I was beautiful because I had sorority letters across my well-rounded chest. I put on the "freshman 15", I always wore makeup on campus and off. I tried to make myself seem like I had it together. But I didn't.
It wasn't until I moved home that summer I started to gain a genuine confidence. I slowly began to find my self worth after everything was torn from me years ago. I still don't have it all together but I'm working on it. I did some growing up that summer and I've come to realize something. You're worth more than likes on a post, you're worth more than the comments on your pictures, you're worth more than hearing "damn girl" because you look good. We, as humans, are created in God's beautiful image. He made us perfect and it took me 20 years to realize that. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." is one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible because the truth behind it has finally opened my eyes to my lack of self worth.
I have never been Ms. Popular, nor will I ever be. I may not always be the prettiest face or have the "sexiest" body, but I've got a God who will love me no matter what. I'm not here for the world's visual enjoyment. I'm here for God's purpose in my life, and I believe part of that is sharing my story with others and being a helping hand to those in need. I believe God wanted me to move home to find my self worth, to get a taste of my purpose.
I know that the world today is full of "pretty" faces, perfect contours, and slim figures, but striving for that will not help you achieve finding your self worth.
Trust me.