Let’s play a game called Society Says! It goes a little something like this… Society Says sorority girls party all the time. Society Says sorority girls are narrow minded and materialistic. Society Says sorority girls are only in college to get their MRS degree and are entitled. Well I say, society is wrong—guess I lost this round of Society Says.
Three roses. Two flowers. One purpose. That is Alpha Gamma Delta and I am head over heels in love with my sorority as well as what we stand for. I have squirrels, acorns, and Alpha Gam decor all over my room. Whenever you see me, I am wearing our letters proudly and with a smile on my face. My sisters are there for me throughout any situation and love me for who I am and nothing more. Sororities aren’t cults. We don’t harm our members or make them act differently than who they are. Society believes the worst when it comes to Greek life and that can be contributed to movies, television shows, and the very few incidents that happen on campuses. But I can assure you it is nothing like the movies.
Greek life opens a lot of doors for you and connects you with people everywhere. I meet Alpha Gams from many different places and the age range varies. What is so beautiful about it, is that even though you don’t know each other you share a special bond with this person. If it weren’t for our 11 founders, we would not have Alpha Gamma Delta. We would not speak the words we believe in or have something bigger than ourselves to give back to. Because of Alpha Gam, we are strong women who actively live with purpose every day! We are strong women who put in countless hours of community service and raise over thousands of dollars for our philanthropy. Every day I go out hoping that I can inspire the woman, impact the world and so does every Alpha Gam woman around the world. We love each other despite our differences because we are all unique in our own way. That is what a sorority is about. We wear our letters proudly and say our purpose with passion because it is what we stand for. Alpha Gamma Delta changes you and makes you into a better leader, better friend, and gives you something wonderful to believe in. I wouldn’t be the person I am now, without the friends and opportunities Alpha Gamma Delta has given me.
Each sorority is beautiful in their own way. But the main point is we all share bonds of sisterhood, we lift our members up, and we devote ourselves to creating a better world that we live in. No matter the letters, we are all Greek. Our founders worked hard to create something beautiful that we work hard to continuously grow and maintain. Society can say whatever they want to about Greek life, but until you live it, there is no reason to slander the organizations that binds us together. Society says sorority girls only care about outer beauty — Alpha Gam covets beauty in environment, manner, word, and thought.