The Best Disney Sidekicks
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The Best Disney Sidekicks

All the ones you know and love

The Best Disney Sidekicks

Originally, I planned on ranking the best Disney sidekicks one through eleven. However, after looking into the pros and cons, it is very difficult to rank any of them above or below another. I decided to chose the eleven who could be in the running for best Disney sidekick. I did leave out a couple cute ones but the cutest often times do not further the plot of the movie and that is what I focused on.

So here are the eleven I chose in no particular order:


Aladdin would not get a single thing he longs for without Genie. He makes his dreams come true. Three of them to be exact. He changes Aladdin's life. Note that I am not forgetting Aboo and magic carpet, however, of the three sidekicks Genie does the most for him. Also, Robin Williams does an amazing job as always.


Everyone’s favorite under the sea creature Sebastian is definitely in the running for Disney’s best side kick. Along with Flounder and Scuttle he goes on many adventures with Ariel. He is basically the caretaker for Ariel through all of her boy troubles. He keeps her out of harms way and even when he gets blamed for Ariel’s mistakes he always covers for her. He is a true friend.


Loyalty. You will never find another character so blindly loyal to a fish she just met. She wants to find Nemo just as much as Marlin, even though she has never met him. Dory’s compassion and growth during the movie makes her an amazing sidekick and great candidate for her own movie. Can’t wait till Finding Dory in June!

Timon and Pumbaa

This Dynamic Duo belongs to Simba in Lion King. Half way through the movie they begin to raise a young Simba and teach him the ways of life. They also were given one of the best songs in Disney history and taught everyone that Hakuna Matata means no worries for the rest of your days!


Not many people think of the more recent sidekick from Tangled when faced with the question who is the best sidekick. Maximus the horse learns to love an enemy to make Rapunzel happy. Not to mention he saves the end of the movie. Without him, Flynn Rider would have never escaped prison to save Rapunzel from the Witch and there would have been no happily ever after.

Cogsworth and Lumiere

Beauty and the Beast is a Disney classic and Cogsworth and Lumiere really make the movie musical come to life when they offer Belle to be their guest at Prince Adam’s castle. Their patience with their tough situation and their love and support for both Belle and Adam make these two animated objects wonderful sidekicks.


The little spit fire we all know and love is paired with a fabulous heroine and together they save China in the most badass way. To prove to the ancestors that he is worth their time Mushu strives to make Mulan the best she can be. Even though his selfishness clouds his judgement sometimes, he learns from his mistakes and helps Mulan find love and bring honor to her family and country while being a wonderful comic relief.

Pegasus and Phil

Not many Disney characters are given a sidekick as a gift. Hercules was given Pegasus when he was born and reconnects with him later on in his life. In their journeys, Hercules also acquires another sidekick, Phil, who trains and mentors Herc; pouring all his knowledge into him to make him the best he can be.


This adorable feisty fairy is everything to Peter Pan. She is loyal and cares for him dearly. With out Tink, Peter would not be able to fly. Even though she gets jealous of Wendy’s presence and acts out of line, she still taught us that with “faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust” anything can happen and dreams can come true.


Another new and spectacularly written sidekick is the giant loveable robot Baymax from the movie Big Hero 6. He was created by Tadashi, Hiro’s older brother, and during the movie becomes a caretaker and best friend to Hiro as he is going through a hard time and also fighting for justice. Even though he technically has no heart he still sacrifices himself in the end to save his best friend, something not many Disney sidekicks do.

Turk and Tantor

Tarzan causes a lot of trouble growing up in an ape family instead of with humans. He always had his two best friends to count on. Turk and Tantor are not only comic reliefs for this emotional movie but also loyal, loving sidekicks to their troublesome friend. They are willing to do anything for Tarzan no matter the repercussions. Even when Tarzan decides to leave towards the end of the movie, they don’t hate him, they can’t, because they want him to be happy.

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