Let’s talk about Jennifer Lopez’s new single Ain’t Your Mama. I personally am obsessed with the song and the video as well. JLO, aka "Jenny from da block", basically is telling women that you don’t need to do everything for your man. He can get his act together and do things for himself at times. Now for those of you who don’t know, Jennifer Lopez is dating a younger man, who was her backup dancer at one point, Casper Smart. Jennifer Lopez is 46 and still killing it, and Casper is 29. I don’t understand why people think it's terrible that she is dating a younger man. Other women have done it before AND men do it all the time. History shows that men would date much younger women and practically force marriage upon them at a young age. So let's just throw that out there. Plus, JLO is stunning and does not age clearly. Let’s all grab whatever water she’s drinking.
Women have been picking up after others for a long time and I’m not saying that men haven’t done so because I’m sure they have done their share as well. Not all men rely on women to cook, clean etc. BUT for those who do, and expect a ray of sandwiches to be prepared for you ASAP, take a seat my friend. There are women who work just as hard as a man and do their own thing and they should not have to bow down to your greatness as soon as you get home. A relationship is supposed to be equal on all levels. One day you may do the dishes, and your significant other may dry them. It’s about balancing out things. I wouldn’t expect a man to control everything in a household and I wouldn’t expect that of a woman. You should both be able to do things for one another without always relying and expecting it. Of course, you can cook a meal for your boyfriend/husband/whoever. Of course you’ll do laundry and clean the house but when it gets to the point where its only expected of one person to do all those things, that’s where the problem will begin. Everyone gets tired after a long day and everyone needs a break at times. Find someone who doesn’t have a problem taking over in the kitchen, cleaning up and doing laundry without being asked to do so. There are women out there that don’t mind picking up after their man all the time and that’s their choice: your life, your decisions. I’m not saying that that is a terrible thing, its only terrible when its expected and taken for granted. Just because someone is woman, does not mean they are your personal maids 24/7. I think there's a difference between being a humbled wife and being controlled. So are women expected to think that every man on this earth is capable of fixing a toilet, or sink, or whatever the case is? I believe people also just expect things of others, like a man is to protect and provide for his family. If they don't seem manly or actually show emotion, they are looked at differently which is sad. Everyone can get emotional at times and there's nothing wrong with it!
Talk show hosts on The Real spoke about this issue, check it out:
We put each other in these stereotypes that women have to do this and men need to do that and it's getting old. If a woman is more successful than a man, the man is seen as a weak partner. Wrong. If a man makes more money and works all day, the woman is seen or supposed to be his personal server as soon as he gets home. Wrong. It's totally fine for a woman to be a stay at home mom, but as soon as the roles are reversed, all hell breaks loose. Whatever financial status/ lifestyle that you live, BOTH people should be able to support and take care of one another without being seen as something else. A relationship should be like a team. You all do your part and put in the effort. Once you become dependent on your partner for something, things will begin to change. It's okay for a guy to be emotional at times, its okay for a woman to not want to cook and clean. At some point we all worry about what we make ourselves seem like. It's normal, but it's no one's business.
But ultimately what you choose to do is entirely up to you. If you're okay with catering to someone all the time, 24/7 go for it. There's nothing wrong with it, if its something you truly enjoy doing and find it to be rewarding. If not, that's fine too. It's a balancing act.