It is summertime, and that means freedom from school to do as we please with our time, but usually this excess time goes to waste. Between simply sitting around, watching Netflix, or complaining there is nothing to do there are actually tons of ways to enjoy summer. I know the usual problem of not having a lot of spending cash, so you won’t find any big ticket activities on this list like “go to an amusement park.” Instead you will find plenty of affordable options. Some of these are completely free (or might even make you money), others might cost a bit, and some might need the help of the internet and youtube, but all 60 of these options are the way to making the most of you summer.
1. Go for a hike in a local park.
2. Learn to sew.
3. Tour a national park and learn some history.
4. Join a summer reading program at your local library.
5. Get up early to see the sunrise.
6. Be artsy and paint the sunrise.
7. Try new recipes and make your friends sample them.
8. Go spelunking (cave exploring).
9. Help out at a local animal shelter.
10. Get a summer job.
11. Actually start working out and get fit instead of just saying you will.
12. Learn how to play an instrument.
13. Tie dye.
14. Serve food at a local soup kitchen.
15. Start a garden.
16. Climb a tree just to see if you still can.
17. Research where your food comes from and reflect before you snack.
18. Participate in Cow Appreciation Day at Chick Fil A and get free food.
19. Go for a bike ride on some local trails.
20. Try out a new restaurant in your area.
21. Stargaze and learn some basic astronomy.
22. Reread your favorite book series.
23. Go to the movies.
24. Learn how to dance -- electric slide, the waltz or anything else.
25. Reconnect with old friends.
26. Go camping (even if it is just in your backyard).
27. Plant a tree.
28. Help your parents for a day with whatever they need.
29. Go swimming at the pool (or in a lake, river, etc).
30. Call up your grandparents (or other relatives).
31. Get a new pet -- even if it’s just a fish.
32. Go to church.
33. Help out at a local summer camp.
34. Clean out your email.
35. Visit a zoo and/or aquarium.
36. Take 1:00 a.m. trips to the only 24/7 restaurant in your town.
37. Educate yourself on the upcoming election -- both national and local.
38. Go for a picnic.
39. Start a new hobby.
40. Collect aluminum cans and sell them for cash.
41. Make a bucket list.
42. Do origami.
43. Go to the farmers market.
44. Learn how to change a tire or change your oil.
45. Take a first aid/CPR class.
46. Catch fireflies.
47. Join your local theater troupe and be in a summer play.
48. Play board games or cards with friends.
49. Go kayaking, canoeing, or white water rafting.
50. Spend time with your siblings.
51. Get ice cream.
52. Play messy twister.
53. Clean out your closet and donate or sell the clothes you’ll never wear.
54. Write snail mail with a pen pal.
55. Make s'mores.
56. Go play in the rain and jump in puddles.
57. Watch the sunset.
58. Write a poem or song.
59. Have a water balloon fight.
60. Go on adventures and enjoy your summer!