Advice For Incoming College Freshman
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Advice For Incoming College Freshman

Read this if you want to have a successful first year.


You wait your entire life for this moment, College. Although, I know you all are in quite a hurry to get a head start on all the friends you will make and the parties you will attend. Sit back in relax, I am going to take you on a cruise of College Success. To help me I have brought along some college

S.C. Missouri State University:

“Not forgetting to stay in contact with your family, you’ll regret it if you don’t. Take advantage of free food or free anything. Don’t bring dress up clothes because you won’t wear them.”

·I cannot stress staying in touch with your family enough. Once you get used to a routine at school it will be harder to go see them as often as you want. Most colleges give the opportunity of free food and stuff all the time. TAKE IT!

K. G. Tiffin University:

“The move in week/weekend is crucial. It is going to be hard but do not be quick to stick your nose in your phone or Skype your friends back home.”

·Although you are going to miss you friends back home, it is so important that you do not dedicate your first days there to them. Embrace you new college life and routine, your friends will completely understand.

“CALL YOUR PARENTS- I had a bad habit of not calling them or if they called, I didn’t respect them because I was always doing something else or having a conversation with people in my room.”

·CALL THEM! They most likely miss you more than you know and just want to make sure that you are doing well!

“Do not be afraid to ask for things. Where something is, who to talk to about certain problems, or speaking up about roommate conflicts.”

·Everyone will have questions, some are just more outgoing to just ask them. If questions come to you, ask. It will save you so much trouble. If you and your roommate do not get along, let you RA know. Everyone is not made to live with each other.

“Do not pack everything and the kitchens sink. You do not have to get brand new everything and spend five hundred bucks on dorm stuff, save that money for books and other expenses.”

·Most of the stuff you buy, you honestly probably will not use. I personally thought I was going to use all sorts of stuff when I got my dorm; half of it was not used.

“You do not have to act like you have everything figured out! It is okay not to be sure of who you are, who you want to be, whom you want to be around/with, or what major you want. In four years, you will be shocked of what you’ve discovered.”

·College is the place you decide who you want to be. If you change your major 4 time, so be it. You are allowed to test the waters before you cannonball into life. Take your time and figure out what you want out of your life.

Z.A. Drury University:

“Buy lots of food for your dorm because I’m sure no one wants to eat University cafeteria food every day.”

·Most cafeterias are pretty similar to the ones in high school and you will soon become sick of deli sandwiches every day. Buy food for your room and you will always have food you actually enjoy.

“Keep your door open, it invites people in and you’ll meet your classmates.”

·Everyone in college is wanting to meet new people. Keeping your door open invites people to say hi or to compliment your room and start a conversation with you.

“Hang out in the common areas because the people you meet there could be friends all through college."

·Everyone hangs out in the common areas. It may be a little frightening at first but you will slowly get use to it. I actually met one of my best friends just by watching The Cheetah Girls in our dorm lobby.

“Be respectful of you roommates/ suite mates’ belongings or they will destroy yours. Just Logical."

·This is so very important. If you do not respect someone else’s belongings, chances are they are not going to respect yours. Always remember the golden rule


“Go to the party. You can always retake a class, but you cannot relive a party.”

·I am not saying to skip all of your classes and just party but sometimes going to parties is good. You have the opportunity to meet so many people and get to know your classmates. Take advantage of the good times presented to you.

“ Not everyone is going to like you.”

·Do not live to please everyone. Not everyone will like you and that is okay. You cannot be everyone’s cup of tea. Be you and people will accept you for that.”

“College is not like high school.”

·You have to make yourself go to class and get your work done. Your professors will not be on you as your teachers were. You are paying for their class, the responsibility of going and doing your work is all on you. People are different in college. It is not as cliquey. Homework is completely different ballpark in college then in high school but you can do it.

“Put yourself out there. You never know who you are going to meet.”

·Do not keep yourself locked up in your room, go out on the courtyard to study. Join the sorority/fraternity. Introduce yourself to people you feel like you would enjoy being around. You are going to meet some of your best friends.

Do not be scared to start college. You will love it. Just take things slows and do not try to do everything at once. I wish every one of you good luck on your endeavors and that you truly find out who you are. Influence this world in the way you can. Remember all of this advice and have no doubt that you will become a great person.

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