Advice for the Anxious and Confused
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Advice for the Anxious and Confused

Not everything is what it seems. Especially for someone suffering from mental illness.

Advice for the Anxious and Confused
Gospel Crusader

The very synapses that give life to thoughts twist and bend and contort like plastic chains tangled together in a hapless heap. They are at the mercy of a certain cerebral dark matter, an invisible and persistent force wreaking cellular collisions, electrical malfunctions, the panicked scattering of neurotransmitters. It’s topsy-turvy.

But this isn’t a fantasy or a video game or the beginning of a sci-fi novel.

This is mental illness.

For people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, or a similar condition, it’s not always easy to articulate what’s going on in the mind. Sometimes it’s black and white. We’re all familiar with the obsessive hand-washers, the compulsive table-tappers, the extreme neat freaks. But the struggle of an overburdened brain is not always readily visible.

Sometimes, doubts and negative thoughts manifest themselves in ways that are nearly impossible for the person to explain. The first paragraph of this piece shows what it can feel like when the struggle is not so clear.

Many people with these types of life obstacles become pros at maintaining a disconnect between what’s going on inside and what he/she shows to the world. When one cannot even grasp what’s happening in his/her own mind, how is he/she supposed to express it to others? A calm, steady exterior does not necessarily reflect sunshine and rainbows within. If the gap between what one expresses and what one feels becomes too great, he/she is bound to feel isolated and misunderstood, which can lead to destructive life choices down the road.

The good news is, for anyone with OCD or a similar mental illness, living a fulfilling and meaningful life is not at all out of reach. Here are some tips and potentially helpful bits of advice from someone who’s been there:

Feel your way through. Some people have to be reminded to think before they act. Not us. For people with OCD or Anxiety, the tendency is to manipulate one’s thoughts to perfection so the subsequent actions will be perfect as well. We don’t need to be reminded to think. We do that pretty well. So don’t let your thoughts outweigh your instincts or your emotions. Try going through the day focusing on acting instinctively and feeling your way through the day’s events, rather than trying to control them. Few things in life are fixed or concrete. Most are precarious and in a constant state of changing. Embrace the fluidity and amorphous nature of life and stop trying to find rigidity in every thought and event.

Find a way to express yourself. In order to become less attached to harmful thoughts and more connected with your emotional self, you’ll want to find an outlet through which to express yourself. Writing, drawing, painting, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, playing a sport - all of these are healthy ways to minimize your anxiety. This will also help to channel the negative energy you incur throughout the day into something productive. But remember, don’t over think the process. Do the activity because you want to, not because you have to, and focus on expressing yourself creatively rather than perfecting the technical aspects of whatever you’re doing.

Reach out. 3.3 million people in the United States have OCD. Many others suffer from Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and other conditions. Whatever you’re going through, there is likely someone else enduring something very similar. The internet has made it easy to connect with like-minded people. There are online forums and communities you can join. And chances are, someone you know personally is having similar issues. Talk to people. Open a conversation to something deeper than the weather or the ball game. Making yourself vulnerable is never easy, but you won’t regret the relationships and connections that result from doing so. The courage you demonstrate through self-honesty may also prove to be a lifeline for someone else. When you depict your struggles, you give hope to those struggling around you.

This, too, shall pass. Remember that. Whatever adversity is currently upon you will not be there forever. Simply reminding yourself that no condition is permanent can help you keep a perspective on your situation and prevent an overreaction.

Turn your weakness to strength. Don’t view it as a curse. Make it a gift. A superpower, even. No one else can think the way you do. Take pride in the unique way your brain works. Find out how you can use those hyperactive thoughts to do things that others can’t. Own it and be exactly who you are. Moving forward in the face of resistance - even when that resistance comes from within - makes you strong. And that’s something to be proud of.

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