I have a problem. A serious problem that my parents have even begun to notice. I am addicted to Strawberry Refreshers. Not just Strawberry Refreshers, but Strawberry Refreshers with lemonade and light ice. I added the light ice in hopes of getting more to drink. I'm not completely sure if it's working, but it is still worth the try.
I don't like coffee. I have tried and tried again to like the taste. And without fail, I end up wishing I had never taken a sip. Before the time of SAR (Strawberry Acai Refreshers), I would get frappuccinos or hot chocolate, the non-coffee-drinker's go-to. And then, Starbucks had their best idea yet and presented us with Strawberry Refreshers.
Sure, I am addicted, but I don't regret it. I absolutely love the taste. It is refreshing, cool and gives me all the caffeine I need to get through my day. Maybe you relate to me or maybe you don't, either way here are some occurrences that have happened that have confirmed my addiction.
You get a Strawberry Refresher every day without fail.
I have been in college for three weeks, and out of the three weeks, I have failed twice to get a SAR. But, twice I have gotten it twice in one day, so it basically makes up for it right? Pretty soon here the workers are going to remember my name and order.
You get it in a trenta.
Yes, my friends, trentas do exist. My lovely BFF told me about them, and since then I've said goodbye to venti and hello to trenta. If you are unsure what a trenta is, it is one size larger than a venti. If you have an addiction like me though, I probably should not have told you this information.
You bank account reads: Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks.
It is the only thing that I buy these days.
You walk out of your way just to go to a Starbucks.
I could be all the way across campus, but I will do whatever it takes to get my Strawberry Refresher.
You think of everything in terms of the price of a Strawberry Refresher.
You buy a shirt for $20 and think that you could have bought four Refreshers instead.
When they run out and you say, "I'm going to die!"
This actually happened.
Your parents tell you that you need an intervention.
They said that I am addicted and that there needed to be an intervention. I replied with, "There are worse things I could be addicted to."
It's an accomplishment when you go a day without one.
I told my friends I went a day without one, and they all cheered.
The thought of having one gets you through the day.
Do I need to say more?
You get upset on a road trip if you don't stop at Starbucks to get one.
Every trip needs Starbucks!!!
Now, if you need me, I'll be in line at Starbucks getting, you guessed it, another Strawberry Acai Refresher.