Bye Flynnisha
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Student Life

Bye Flynnisha

Getting to know the girl beneath the words.

Bye Flynnisha

Two weeks ago, I published my first article. I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity and interest regarding my article on sisterhood, and this inspired me to write something a little bit more personal. Instead of posting a how-to article or writing about last week's football game, I've decided to move out of my comfort zone and share a little about myself. As a writer, I believe the most important thing for readers is to be able to have a connection with the words on the screen or paper in front of them. So often, we forget that the stories told and the narratives shared actually belong to a human being. Words have the ability to mean so much, but too often, we mistake them for so little. Here's a little bit about me, Flynn, in hopes that all of you can connect with my thoughts and stories beyond the shares or likes the article receives on Facebook or the picture beneath the title.

To begin, I'm a freshman at Mississippi State and a new member of Kappa Delta sorority. My major is communications with a double concentration in broadcasting and public relations. Currently, I am involved in five organizations on campus outside of my sorority. Ultimately, I wish to become more involved every year spent at MSU, graduate in four years, and then continue on to an internship that will hopefully guide me to my future career.

Friendship and family are what guides me. The people I call companions are genuine and compassionate, and I truly believe that I would not be the person I am today without them. Throughout the most difficult of times, I have found those that will remain beside me despite when it is convenient for them. Whether it be my older sister's cancer diagnosis in the eighth grade, having to give up the hobby I was most passionate about, or a breakup with a guy I cared endlessly about, the hands that reached out for mine proved themselves over and over to be constant. Love becomes more and more apparent in my life with the friendships, old and new, that I hold dear to my heart.

Laughter is my stress reliever. I have always considered myself to be a humorous person, even if those around me don't think the same. I laugh often and I laugh loudly. If you'd ask my friends, they would tell you that you could hear my laugh from a mile away. I'm not ashamed to say that when I laugh, I cackle, and it's not a cute, bubbly giggle, but an echoing sound that too often causes others to stare.

I can be sassy at times. I believe I acquired this trait from my oldest sister, and I'm sure that when she reads this, she will proudly nod her head in agreement. My girlfriends call me a girly girl. When I am a diva, they call me Flynnisha. I am entirely too sensitive, and any one of my friends could you tell you this. Pink is my favorite color through and through, and glitter remains on my fingernails at all times. Athletic has never been a word used to describe me, though I was a cheerleader in high school.

When asked what I do for fun, I've always said "speech." As nerdy as this may sound, my passion lies within the written and spoken word. In high school, I competed in national and local speech and debate tournaments. My summers were spent in Fairfax, Virginia, at George Mason Institute of Forensics. GMIF was the highlight of my high school years by far, because through the institute I met world-renowned coaches that taught me more in one month than I learned all four years of high school. The people I met there were from near and far away, and to this day some of my greatest friends live thousands of miles away from me but still manage to keep in touch. One very special individual I met during my time at GMIF introduced me to a new definition of the word speech, and he inspired me to open my heart to the world of public speaking to encourage others and share my story. This was when my idea of writing essays, articles, reviews, and speeches transformed. This was the defining moment that made me appreciate every speaker, whether it be a professor during lecture, a student presenting in class, or a competitor at a speech tournament. This was what taught me to respect and understand that every speaker speaks with purpose and that every piece of literature was written for a reason. This was when I decided to devote my life to communication, and this was when I fully recognized myself as a person.

I am Flynn. I am a student, a Kappa Delta, and a diva (at times). I laugh at my own jokes and am entirely too emotional. When I love, I give my all. I've shared these personal tidbits with all of you in order to better understand the meaning behind the words that I write. I am a communicator, writer, and speaker. I use my voice for matters of importance. I respect others' voices as well as their stories, because I truly believe that words are our most powerful gift, and when we learn to communicate whole-heartedly, we affect each other as well as ourselves for the better.

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