Having fair skin can be both a blessing and a curse. Finding the perfect foundation match can be an absolute nightmare and going out in the sun without SPF 100 can be a death sentence. Even finding the perfect hair color is crucial in order to not make you look like a living corpse or completely washed out. While being fair skinned can be a real pain in the tush it also has some perks (you kind of look like an old-timey Disney princess without even trying).
With pros and cons aside here are some things that you should just never say to someone with a fair complexion.
1. "Hey, Casper!"
Yes, very original of you to call me a ghost. Very original.
2. "Your foundation looks a little too dark for you."
I got the lightest shade available and look like a pumpkin. I was really hoping you wouldn't notice.
3. "Do you, like, burn super easy in the sun?"
You bet your bottom dollar that I do!
4. "When was the last time you went outside?"
Really, Jessica? We're sitting outside right now. How about you answer this one.
5. "Have you tried a spray tan?"
Self-tanning lotions, gels, creams, spray tans and just plain old tanning oil. I've tried it all my dude. I've tried it all to no avail.
6. "Haha, look at my arm compared to yours. I'm like three shades darker!"
Yes, we are two different people with two different skin tones. Very very good. Proud of you.
7. "Are you feeling OK? You look a little pale."
Oh, yeah I'm fine. That's just my face.
8. "Do you ever just wish you were tan?"
Only every time the sun it's May through August.
9. "You actually really make the whole pale look work."
Oh, gee.. .thank you. I've lived my whole life to hear someone finally say that.