Independence. Its the one thing everyone looks forward to coming into college. No one to tell you where to go, what to do or how to do it. But, let's be real, we all miss some things from home we're not willing to admit.
1. Being reminded to do laundry every week
Not once you run out of clothes and are scrambling to get it all done so you can stop wearing the same pair of leggings and sweatshirt you've been in for 2 days.
2. Being forced to go to family gatherings
Being asked thirty thousand questions about school, friends, dating and what you want to do with the rest of your life doesn't sound fun thinking about it, but we all miss our crazy relatives laughing with us and little cousins running around.
3. Constantly being asked what you want at the grocery store
You're always complaining about how there's not food in the house, but when you actually have the opportunity to get something you want, you panic and have no idea. Now, you'd do some really illegal things to come back to a full mini-fridge, courtesy of your mom.
4. Having to share a car
Or having to drive your siblings everywhere. Or, having to be driven by your siblings everywhere. Now, chances are you probably don't have a car on campus or if you do, you miss long drives with your siblings, non-judgmentally singing along to the radio and getting your stories straight about what you're "doing" that night.
5. Taking care of your pets
Letting the dog in, then out, then in, then out, once again. While constantly having to refill the water bowl can get annoying. You miss pets more than anything on a day when you just need to lie down and watch a movie with your furry best friend.
6. Being woken up in the morning
It's super annoying when you're being told to get up early on the weekends, but on a Monday when you really should be up, it can be nice to have your mom or dad shaking you awake and making sure you don't waste your life sleeping. Let's admit it, we'd all do it if we could.
7. Being in your hometown
No one likes seeing people they didn't like in high school and there's never anything fun to do, but we miss knowing how to get everywhere with no directions. Not to mention, where you should go for the best food and most importantly, seeing your lifelong, hometown friends to share stories about past and current shenanigans.
8. Being able to keep your room messy
With one, two or even three roommates, it really isn't an option to be disorganized. But at home, your room can be like a hurricane came through it and no one will passive aggressively move your things away from their side of the room.
9. The feeling that just is "home"
We all like to talk about how much we love being out, independent and experiencing new things which a lot of the time we do. But, there's nothing quite like knowing you're where you grew up, where you made your first friends and where no matter how far you roam, you'll always be welcomed back home.