The 9 Friends You'll Have In College
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The 9 Friends You'll Have In College

From the girl you hope you never talk to again to your maid of honor, these are 9 women everyone is friends with in college.

The 9 Friends You'll Have In College
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We all know that college is known for the random drunken nights, the boyfriends, the crazy overload of school work and the wonderful friends you'll have forever. Friends make or break your college career. They're there for you when you need a late night burger run, or when you need a break-up recovery Netflix night, or when you need motivation to achieve your scholastic goals. These girls are yours for life. 

We all know that friends come and go regardless of whatever age-range you find yourself in. You'll find your "way weather" friends, your "ride-or-die" friends, your "happy-go-lucky" friends, your "we-met-one-drunk-night-and-now-yell-at-eachother-whenever-we-see-eachother" friends, and my personal favorite, your "bridesmaids" besties. In college you'll meet so many people it'll make your head spin, but these nine girls will always stick out as some of the most memorable people you meet. Here are the nine friends you'll have in college. 

1. The "Can I Borrow That?" Friend. This is the girl who's catch phrase is, "OMG that is soooo cayutteee! Can I borrow it? I promise I'll give it back!" ...and the clothes are never seen again. She's the blackhole of borrowing. You know that if you lend her anything, it'll never make it's way back into your possession. She sees everything you own as her own personal shopping mall, and is usually seen spritzing your perfume, trying on your make up, or "borrowing" that super cute skirt you bought a month ago. 

2. The Napper. This is that one friend who's life revolves around naps. When you text her, she's taking or planning on taking a nap. When you ask her what she's doing on her Friday night, her go-to answer is, "Netflix and sleep." She also can't function without three coffees/day. 

3. The "I don't need men in my life right now" Friend. This is the girl who is constantly boy-bashing. She's been known to hop on her feminist bicycle and run right over your opinions. Boys can't do anything right in her eyes, but as soon as she gets a little male attention, all of those opinons go out the window, and she only sees stars and fireworks. 

4. The Bruh. This girl laughs at her own jokes, has a super loud voice, and is known to not give a rats a** about what you think. She dresses in whatever she picks up off the floor and is always the life of the party, making sure everyone feels involved. She cheers the loudest at the football games, and is always decked out in her jersey and facepaint. She always laughs at the most perverted jokes, and has a posse of boys who have her back. To this girl, relationships are desired, but not a necessity. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

5. The "Can't Party Hard Enough" Friend. This girl can out-drink and out-dance anyone and everyone at the party. You know that by the time you make it to the event she's already drunk and running around in circles looking for her next shot. She can shotgun a beer faster than you can say "wow," and she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She'll make you laugh, dance, and she'll always provide the alcohol for the pregame. You wonder how on earth she is still in college because she parties Monday through Monday, but you're glad she is because she never ceases to make you laugh. 

6. The Eating Machine. This girl can eat a zoo and still be a size two. You have no idea how she comsumes all of those carbs without bloating or popping the buttons out of all of her jeans, but she does. And you hate her for it. 

7. The "New Beau Every Week" Friend. She has a new guy every week, and you have no idea how she does it. Last week it was Tom, this week it's Aaron, next week who knows! She's always got a funny, quirky story about how she met them and you wish some of her boy luck would rub off on you. Where's my handsome waiter who flirts with me all night and slips me his number? Did he get lost?

8. The Girl Who's Going to be President. This is the 4.0 student. She's involved in everything, gets 80+ likes on every status or photo, and no one ever has anything negative to say about her. She doesn't party a whole heck of a lot, but when she does she's always a blast. She can rock any look, even sweats, and always seems to be put together. She's involved in every organization known to man, and you're pretty positive she's going to rule the world some day. 

9. Your Bestie. She totally gets you. This is the girl who's going to hold your hair after a bad date with tequila, give you a hug when your ex calls and listen to your rants when Starbucks made your drink wrong. You may have a super funny story about how you met or you may not remember meeting her at all. She's your best friend, your confidant and you may or may not have already made a marriage pact when both of your boyfriends' turned out to be horrible people. She'll be your sister-from-another-mister for life, and you love her for all of her quirky attributes. 

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