85 Thoughts You Have While Taking Your Final
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85 Thoughts You Have While Taking Your Final

"But girl you got it, girl you got it there you go" - Drake

85 Thoughts You Have While Taking Your Final

You have A LOT of thoughts running through your head while you're taking a test. It's like your brain won't shut up and let you concentrate to allow you to pass. And now that winter break is approaching, tons of us are in the middle of finals week where we stay up, cry, drink a gallon coffee, think of the meaning of life and try to feel like we have our lives together. If you've ever thought about what you think while you're taking a final, it's actually crazy how far your mind will wonder. One second you're defining a principle or theory of some sort and then you're wondering what song was stuck in your head last week that you HAVE to remember that exact moment. But this is just the joys of being a student. Here are just 85 of the many thoughts that may go through your mind while taking your next final!

1. Alright, about to enter the room where it happens-


3. Yeah, this is not the right time to start singing hamilton songs

4. What am I talking about, there's always time.

5. Okay, gotta sit in my usual seat, cause I'm superstitious like that

6. Wait, hold up who is that in my seat

7. Is this girl serious? It's the last day of class and she decides to sit in the seat I've been sitting in all year

8. What if because I'm not sitting there I don't get a good grade?

9. Jesus, I need to calm down

10. Just gonna pop a squat in this random seat, It's fine. I'm not salty at all.

11. Let's take out a pen

12. Crap, did I forget a pen.

13. Should I ask the person next to me?

14. I'm pretty sure this person hates me

15. Even though I've never talked to them before so idk why I think that


17. Okay there's 5 minutes left until the teacher comes, let's try and learn 3 months of subject matter into that time slot

18. Maybe this won't be on the test, so I'll skip that notecard

19. I'll remember this, no need to worry

20. Dear god the teacher just came in

21. this is it

22 Yeah, yeah yeah, we understand how test's work. Let's get ready to rumble.

23. Bro, we need to get this show on the road or I will forget everything I just tried to teach myself in the last 24 hours

24. Just hand out the test please


26. The test is coming down my row

27. This is actually happening


29. Oh my god what is my name?

30. It could literally be the year 3000, I have no idea what the date is.

31. Jk it's the year of the 2016 election. I couldn't forget the year if I tried.

32. Alright let's just peruse the whole test, flip some pages to get a feel on how long this will take

33. There's like 6 pages here


35. Multiple choice is my savior

36. But hold up, number 6, 7 and 8 were B, and now number 9 is considerably B. That can't be right.

37. I'll choose c

38. C stands for correct

39. I wonder if anyone else is concerned about not knowing what's on this test

40. I mean I know most of it which is good I guess

41. Should probably know it all though...

42. I studied 8 hours and still feels like I know nothing

43. I luv learning <3

44. okay focus lex, you have only an hour left.

45. Okay things are moving smoothly, I think I'll do pretty good.

46. What if I just think I'm doing really well? I could actually be bombing this entire final


48. Will I really ever use this in real life though?

49. Probably not

50. Why is this girl looking at my paper? Girl trust me, I don't know what I'm talking about so we're both about to be on a sinking ship


52. Jesus take the wheel, I now have to write the essay

53. Maybe if I write bigger it will fill up the page faster and make it look like i had a lot more to say.

54. Am I a horrible person?

55. What is the meaning of life?

56. What should I eat when I get home?

57. OH damn! I'm gonna order some chicken fingers to celebrate.

58. The celebration of completing the final, not so much if I got an A or not.

59. Yeah, I am a horrible person.

60. My hand is actually about to fall off. What a sad way to lose it; by writing an essay that sounds like gibberish.

61. Why am I tilting my head? Does my brain think I'll come up with something more thoughtful if I hold my head at 45 degrees?

62. Wait, why is that guy handing in his test already?

63. We've only been here for 40 minutes.

64. I wish I studied that hard

65. Or maybe he didn't know anything either and just decided to hand it in.

66. Now I feel like I have to rush

67. That reminds me of watching whiplash last week, ARE YOU RUSHING OR DRAGGING?

68. This test is fletcher and I am crying like Andrew

69. I bet if I said that joke out loud no one would laugh because it's true.

70. Such a good movie, maybe I'll watch that while I eat my chicken fingers

71. At least 4 people have handed in their test already so I feel like it's okay that I hand mine in now.

72. Let's just flip through the pages, make it look like I'm really interested in re-checking my answers

73. Half of them are probably wrong

74. The loudness of this paper shuffling is unreal. It sounds like I'm flipping parchment paper in a noise canceling room.

75. Don't want anyone to think of me as "the annoying paper shuffler"

76. It's time to just hand it in already cause nothing is coming to this lil ole' noggin no more

77. Awe, the teacher has such a hopeful smile on his face but what he doesn't know is that it will melt right off of his face while he grades that paper

78. I'm gonna death glare the girl who took my sacred seat

79. Just kidding, I don't want to be mean

80. I'll brew in anger on the inside.

81. Literally gonna run out the door when I get my stuff, can't be in this room where I made bad decisions any longer.

82. Why are these girls both saying they got B for number 9.

83. It was definitely C.

84. Or was it?

85. I should have studied that notecard.

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