When we were younger, our parents told us that sharing is caring. Unfortunately, there are some items that should not be shared with others due to potential risks of illness.
1. Lipstick or chapstick.
Sharing any type of lipstick is a risk because there are many individuals out there who suffer from cold sores or carry the virus inside of them.
2. Mascara.
The person whom you share your mascara with might have pink eye or other harmful germs in their eyelashes. Yes, pink eye is treatable, but it is preventable as well. Not sharing your mascara can save you a trip to the health center.
3. Mouthpieces.
If you are a brass or woodwind player, you probably have swapped your instrument with a friend who plays a different instrument before. Unfortunately, sharing instruments can increase your risk of illness. Your friend might not disinfect their mouthpiece on a regular basis and that can be a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.
4. Towels.
Towels are a college student's savior because you can use them for anything. However, towels can contain sweat, germs and potential parasites on them. Therefore, it is best to keep your towels to yourself.
5. Bedding.
When you sleep, you still sweat a lot. Not only is it disgusting to share your pillows and blankets with others, but it is also unhealthy.
6. Prescription medicines.
Unless it is aspirin, DayQuil, NyQuil or another common over the counter medicine, medications need to be only used by one person: you. The antibiotic that you were prescribed is used to treat your type of illness or injury, not someone else's. Furthermore, sharing your antibiotic prescription with someone else means that you will not be getting the full effect of the medicine. Therefore, you might have resistant bacteria within you and you might get infected again.
7. Earbuds.
It seems like we cannot live without them. They help us push through a workout or help us jam out and relax between classes. Our earbuds probably are disgusting after frequent use every day. Not only do our ears produce ear wax (gross) but they are also a breeding ground for germs. When you share your earbuds, you have the potential for transmitting those germs to other people.
8. Drinks.
When you share your water bottle or Dr. Pepper with someone, you are swapping your saliva with your friends. This can increase your risk of contracting meningitis, strep throat or mono.