8 Reasons Why Belle Is The Best Disney Role Model For Women | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons Why Belle Is The Best Disney Role Model For Women

She kept her standards high and waited for what she deserved.

8 Reasons Why Belle Is The Best Disney Role Model For Women

The live-action version of "Beauty and the Beast" comes to the theaters in exactly one month (from the time I'm writing this). I know that most of the movie-watching population is excited for this film, but I, like many of the female readers in my demographic, anticipate the release of this flick for reasons both nostalgic and sentimental.

You see, Belle is, by far, without a shadow the doubt, the best Disney Princess, and she will always be my favorite.

It's not even that "Beauty and the Beast" is my favorite princess film. "Aladdin" and "A Little Mermaid" hold high places on my list of can't-live-without Disney flicks. However, if I'm being quite honest, Jasmine and Ariel never seemed like admirable people to me.

Belle is my most beloved princess not simply because I identify with her, but because she's an excellent role model for women.

Here's what I mean:

1. She's an avid reader.

I love to read and so does Belle; it's pretty simple. In fact, while the other princesses were staring out their windows waiting for any handsome guy to whisk them away, Belle was working hard and elevating her mind with literature.

2. She puts her family first.

While Ariel both disobeyed and deserted her father, Belle sacrificed her comfortable village life to take her dad's place in the dungeon. She really has her priorities straight.

3. She waits for the right one.

I know I've been ragging on Ariel a lot, but the contrast is just such a good example! When princesses like Ariel fell head over tail for the first human they laid eyes on, (literally,) Belle kept her standards high and waited for what she deserved. Sure, Gaston was buff, most-likely wealthy, and an impressive bassist to match, but who wants to spend the rest of their life with a conceited toot like him?

4. She doesn't let anyone push her around.

Underneath that sweet, doe-eyed complexion is a strong woman who won't be taken advantage of. When the beast reprimanded her, she frequently threw it right back at him.

5. She is a friend to all.

Chipped cups and bumbling clocks wouldn't be adequate friends for most people, but Belle extended kindness to any all who were willing to receive.

6. She's an alto.

Now, this is just choir-bias. I remember from my days of never singing the melody in choir that I often wished I could hit those high notes often featured in the songs sung by princesses. Fellow altos, if you weren't already aware, the opening song called Belle fits most of our ranges splendidly.

7. She loves food.

Tiana and Belle both have my respect on this one. Although she still has an annoyingly perfect figure, Belle doesn't shy away from second-helpings. Who can't relate to that?

8. She knows true beauty when she sees it.

This is an obvious one, but it's worth mentioning. While most of the princesses before Belle fell for the first good-looking man who sang them a nice song, Belle wasn't even tempted by Gaston! She fell in love with the beast, claws and all. Also, am I the only one who was a little disappointed when he turned back into a human? He looked better before!

I'm pumped that Disney is taking the time to recreate an old classic that has touched my heart since childhood. If you have a younger friend, sister, cousin, or niece who didn't have the privilege of growing up with Belle's voice ringing sweetly from the TV, take them to see what I'm confident will be a memorable movie. It may have been over twenty years since the original release, but there may be something there that wasn't there before!

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