The cliché statement "the best things in life are free" has practically imprinted a mark on our brains after the number of times we've heard it, growing up. Take a moment to think about it, and you will come to realize how true it really is. We've got a whole lot of potential, regardless of how stuffed our wallets are, especially when it comes to making a difference. Some of the most influential things we can do don't cost a cent, and they override the power of being able to donate to a library or provide free ice cream on the side of the road. Doing even the smallest acts of kindness for your community can create a tighter bond. Each individual has the power to do this and help those around him or her to take part in a better kinship network. There are tons of ways to make the world a better place just by doing the simplest acts.
1. Smile
This one can go a long way, and most people don't even realize it. Smiling is contagious — we can't help but form a grin when everyone around us has one planted on their faces. And the domino effect doesn't stop there — smiling has the power to lift up your mood and make you happier. The constant smiling of one person spreads to those around him or her, and, as a result, creates a happier populace with the positive aura we want to be surrounded by.
2. Hold the door open.
I don't know about you, but it always lifts my mood when I'm in a rush to get somewhere and someone is kind enough to hold the door open for me and make my day just a tiny bit easier. It's a way of acknowledging someone else's presence and humanity without having to endure the agony of small talk. This seemingly small act of kindness always has a greater effect than we realize. I always find myself smiling and appreciating the random person who opens the door for me, setting off a stream of positive thoughts. It's nice to have a reminder that kind and considerate people are actually dominant in the midst of all these tragedies occurring in our world.
3. Compliment others.
You know it makes them happy, so why not? If you find yourself liking that random girl's shoes, why keep it in, even if you've never spoken to her before? Tell her! It's just another way to make someone's day. You never know what someone else is going through or what kind of a day he or she has had. It could completely change their day or spike their confidence; you never know how great the impact could be. Take advantage of the opportunity to make a positive difference, even if it's something as seemingly small as pointing out that you like someone's sense of humor or sun-kissed highlights.
4. Help the environment.
Had to throw this one in there. We need to take care of our Earth; after all, there would be no community without it, right? Do your part to take care of the environment. Throw your garbage in the trash can, recycle anything that can be recycled, turn off the water while you're rubbing the soap on your hands, take trash off the side of the road, take shorter showers, turn off lights you don't need. Show your love and appreciation for the ground we walk on and resources we live off of — it's our home and our duty.
5. Empower one another.
Forget about the competition. As neighbors, we should always want to help those around us to reach their goals and highest potential. Provide others with words of inspiration. Help them feel more confident, bigger, better and stronger. Tell them they can do it, better yet, convince them. Encourage one another to do the impossible. We owe it to one another and to the benefit of the community as a whole to serve as a support system and source of empowerment.
6. Offer help when others seek it.
It's absurd the number of times I have witnessed someone near me drop something and see multiple heads turn as individuals attempt to pretend they didn't see it happen so they can get away with not picking it up. Why not pick it up? It's only a bend and hand grab, which is not the biggest deal to you, but an act that means a whole lot to someone else. If someone looks upset, ask what's wrong. Offer to help someone carry items when their hands are full. Show others that you care.
7. Be kind. Always.
You never know what kind of a day someone has had or what they are going through. Be kind to every individual you associate with, even if they're rude and condescending and don’t deserve your kindness. Instead of showing an identical attitude and stooping down to their level, rise above it. Display the attitude you want others to have. Spread the kindness and hope it catches on.
If there's one thing I can't stress enough, it's that no act is too small. Every single thing we say or do has an impact and makes a difference, probably one bigger than we could imagine, even if it seems to be just affecting one person. These acts are contagious, and we encourage others to engage in them as soon as we do, thus making positive words and actions predominant in our society. This is the way to make a difference and change the world as a whole. One person at a time, one community at a time and it spreads. Just do it — engage in the acts of kindness. You've got nothing to lose, and you don't even have to spend a penny.