If you are unaware, the second season of the fantastic "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" is dropping on Netflix this Friday, April 15. Everyone can freak out now. If you have shamefully never watched, the show is a terrific blend of sharp and unique comedy, as well as a soul-clutching triumph story that is guaranteed to inspire. There are few shows that even come close to UKS anywhere, but not enough people seem to be aware of its brilliance. To help the show reach the audience it should (everyone in the world), here are seven reasons you should be watching "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt."
1. The Incredible Theme Song
In a time when television show's theme songs are an after thought, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" uses their opening to shine. It is the only theme song that I actively look forward to hearing when watching Netflix, and have downloaded on my phone. It's just so catchy.
2. Woman Empowerment
Kimmy and Jacqueline
Much of the show revolves around Kimmy (played by Ellie Kemper) and Jacqueline (played by Jane Krakowski) as they try to break free from their literal and figurative male captors, and try to become confident in their true selves. There are certainly bumps along the way, but the journey is a beautiful thing to watch. As the theme song proclaims "Women are strong as hell."
3. The Writing
When writers from "Saturday Night Live," "Parks and Rec," "30 Rock," " The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" team up, there is sure to be some great comedy writing. You never know where a conversation is going to end in UKS, but you know it will be funny. In a show where an old man says, "I ate giraffe, and I liked it," and it makes complete sense, there is definitely some superb writing going on.
4. The Absurdness
Gretchen the willing cult participant
The situations that the characters face on "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" are utterly ridiculous, but in a strange way completely relatable. The characters reactions to these absurd situations make the show the genius piece of comedy it is. That being said, the show is also great because of its..
5. Realness
"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" is not afraid to talk about real issues in a way that do not feel forced or preachy. Race, sexuality and social class issues are not ignored, and the discourse about them is very real-world. The characters are highly diverse, allowing many perspectives to be shown. The show isn't afraid to let their characters be flawed or show their prejudices, as people do, but they learn from one another and become better.
6. Family Issues
Kimmy and her "family"
No one's family is perfect, least of all the families of UKS. Arguments and hard feelings are the norm for the characters, as they are for many, but they love one another nonetheless.
7. Kimmy
The title character is one the greatest in television. Her infectious positivity and kindness is a beautiful thing to watch, while her incredible strength inspires. She is relatable, hilarious and you root for her to find happiness with every fiber of your being.
I can't wait to see what she does this season.
"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" season two will be available on Netflix this Friday, April 15. Make sure to catch up on season one, and if you've watched the show, let me know why you think people should be watching.
If you're still not convinced here's the season two trailer.