"Doctor Who" is an iconic TV show of the United Kingdom, aired by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC). "Doctor Who" is, in my and many others' opinions, one of the greatest shows of all time. Although it's off of American Netflix now, you should still give it a watch, in whatever means are available to you, whether it's some other streaming service, buying the DVD's or watching it directly on BBC. Here are the top seven reasons you should watch the life-changing show:
7. The intro
After one season (maximum) I personally guarantee you'll be singing along to the opening credits of the theme song, "Doo wee oooo," or at least doing it in your head. I strongly advise against screaming the theme song in the middle of your university lounge area with headphones in, though I wouldn't blame you if you did. The sounds made in the theme song (the doo wee oooo bit) was actually originally made by running keys along a piano wire. Fun fact!
6. The gadgets
The Doctor has quite an arsenal. Not only does he have a big blue box that's a time machine and bigger on the inside, he also has a sonic screwdriver, which can unlock doors and work through electrical circuitry (though it doesn't work on wood). There's also a lot of other miscellaneous gadgets he uses throughout the show. It adds an interesting twist to each episode!
5. Bowties are cool
The fact that bowties are cool is an undeniable truth of reality. Matt Smith's rendition of the Doctor coined the phrase, "bowties are cool," and he went on to prove it by wearing (flaunting, at times), a bowtie in essentially every episode of his time as the Doctor. I would never have worn bow ties had it not been for the Doctor, and I am far cooler for it.
4. It's completely unpredictable
Sometimes there are Christmas lights in the Tardis (Time And Relative Dimension In Space, the Doctor's time machine), sometimes you're thinking, "Oh, the episode wasn't 40 minutes, how odd," and then out of nowhere an entirely new threat appears and nothing has really been resolved. It's a rollercoaster.
3. It's versatile
The Doctor, as well as all the characters, are hilarious. But at times, the show is also really saddening. You don't watch "Doctor Who" because you need a laugh, nor do you do it to feel sappy. You watch the show to feel the massive rollercoaster of laughter, tears, pure joy and crushing defeat. "Doctor Who" is funny, sad and versatile. All around, it will leave you feeling good, sometimes in a surreal way.
2. David Tennant
That picture. 'Nuff said. Ladies, you're welcome.
1. The greatest quotes of all time and space
Now, what are you waiting for? Go and binge watch "Doctor Who"! You probably need an excuse to procrastinate anyway. There are nine seasons each with about 22 episodes and each episode is about 40 minutes, so you have some catching up to do.