7 Mindblowing Things You Didn't Know About Marijuana
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7 Mindblowing Things You Didn't Know About Marijuana

No matter what you call it, it's still pretty dope

7 Mindblowing Things You Didn't Know About Marijuana

Marijuana is one of those drugs that has just about as many nicknames as it does different opinions. While opinions might be split over the usage and legalization of this drug, anyone reading this will probably agree that they didn't know at least one thing on the list.

The drug world hosts some of the greatest myths and stigmatizations, but sometimes the truth is the most surprising. Here are seven things about the drug cannabis that might just blow your mind:

1. The term 420 was coined by five high school boys.

Many people believe the term 420 originated from the police code for Marijuana Smoking in Progress, but in actuality, 420 was coined by five San Rafael high school friends, called the Waldos, in 1971. When the Waldos found out about a plot of marijuana plants that a Coast Guard service member could no longer care for, they decided to meet up and hunt for the hidden treasure at 4:20 pm. Thus, the iconic date and time for pot smokers around the world was born.

2. Cannabinoids, found in marijuana, can also be found in breast milk.

The human body is equipped with two types of cannabinoid receptors, specifically for processing cannabinoids, one of them being THC (tetrahydracannabinol). If you needed any more proof that marijuana is an all natural drug, some of the cannabinoids found in marijuana occur naturally in human breast milk, which helps stimulate suckling and the need to eat in newborn babies, much like the "munchies" or hunger effect experienced by marijuana users.

3. Marijuana leads to brain cell growth.

Contrary to the typical argument that smoking weed kills brain cells, a 2005 study actually found the opposite to be true. Through the research and experiments conducted by the study, it was found that cannabinoids encourage neurogenesis (the generating of new neurons) in the part of the brain called the hippocampus. This neurogenesis is also responsible for the anti-anxiety and anti-depressant side effects of marijuana.

4. Overdosing would require consuming 1500 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes.

Literally, it is impossible for marijuana to produce a lethal response in users--unless you know someone capable of this feat, which is probably almost as scary as death itself.

5. Smoking weed doesn't lead to lung cancer.

Going against all assumptions and expectations, a study conducted by a group at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA found that there is no correlation between smoking marijuana and lung cancer. It seems the chemical properties of THC are offsetting to the cancer-causing chemicals found in marijuana tar--even suggesting a sort of protective effect against the incidence of cancer.

6. It used to be illegal to NOT grow marijuana.

In 1619, legislation passed by the Virginia Assembly required each farmer to grow hemp, which was also used as a legal tender during the time. Those were the days.

7. Mankind can be sustained indefinitely off of cannabis seeds.

Seeds from the plant cannabis sativa provide all of the essential amino acids and fatty acids necessary for sustaining healthy human life.

Whether you are for or against it, marijuana remains one of the most interesting and useful plants on the planet.

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