Have you ever been stuck trying to a write a paper for school and it seems like there’s nothing you can do to get your words out? Have you ever looked at a daunting blank Word document thinking to yourself, “Wow I wish this would write itself,”? Or have you ever been in any type of rut that effects the your day to day life? Lately, I have been in the weirdest writing slump. I sit and stare at my computer like all of the ideas in my head will magically appear. Sadly, they have not. So I have complied a list of things to do in order to get the creative juices flowing because the amount of people that tell me they don’t like to write is incredible. So whenever you are writing a paper or attempting to get out of the same slump I seem to be stuck in, try these ideas!
Watch a movie
Text a friend
Go get drinks with pals
Read a book
Write a poem
Got to the museum
Go for a walk
Make a sandwich
Get a new hobby
Take a cooking class
Binge watch The Office in your pjs
Take a nap
Go for a drive with all of your windows down
Bake a pie
Call your mom or dad
Learn how to read tarot cards
Adventure to somewhere you’ve never been to
Meet a new friend
Go to the mall
Learn how to go out to eat by yourself
Hang out with your best friend
Get lunch with your friends
Go long boarding
Listen to music
Take your dog for a walk
Go rollerblading
Go to the park and fly a kite
Go go-karting
Go putt putting
Play "Pokémon Go"
Paint a picture
Go to a concert
Plant some flowers in your lawn
Learn an instrument
Paint your nails
Go work out
Go snowboarding
Try something you’ve never eaten before
Get frozen yogurt
Find old CDs and listen to your old playlists
Spend a day with your grandparents
Knit some mittens
People watch
Go to an amusement park
Go to a sporting event
Go to an animal shelter
Volunteer at your local soup kitchen
Rearrange your room
Bake cookies
Try and write something aimless to force out the words you are searching for
Yes, this list may seem like a lineup of common ideas but have you tried them all? Are you still stuck in your slump? Are you producing what you think you should be producing? Because if not then you need to do at least five of these activities. You never know where or when you’re going to find inspiration for yourself. The world is a beautiful place and it is full of things to find revelation from. And if worse comes to worse just do the last idea on the list and write until you can write something you are proud of. Good luck and happy writing!