5 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Even More Loved On National Girlfriend's Day | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Even More Loved On National Girlfriend's Day

Here are some last minute and inexpensive ways to make your girlfriend feel special on her day.

5 Ways To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Even More Loved On National Girlfriend's Day

National Girlfriend Day is on August 1, and my boyfriend and I had no idea until a few days ago. Even though you should make your girlfriend feel special everyday, it doesn’t hurt to make a whole day of pampering her. If you are like us and had no idea this day existed, then here are some last minute and inexpensive ways to make your girlfriend feel even more special on her day.

1. Buy her flowers.

Buying a girl flowers is something that is timeless. It is inexpensive and sweet, plus it’s a simple way to show the girl you love that you care about them. It may seem like a conventional thing to do, but trust me, it will make your girl’s day.

2. Take her to the the place you first said you love her.

My boyfriend and I don’t spend as much money on dates or gifts for each other compared to when we first started dating. Our college student budgets got the best of us, so we save money so we can splurge on bigger anniversaries. This option is really great, because you can just plan around where you first said you love your significant other. It could be your apartment, the park, school or a mall. It doesn’t matter. Plan a picnic or cook a homemade dinner. Relive the moment, and do not forget to tell her you love her. The place holds a lot of sentiment, which makes it more special than a big fat steak that’ll kill your wallet.

3. Write her hand-written letters.

I always ask my boyfriend to write me letters. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it is still really romantic, especially since social media rules the world. It’s something that is permanent and won’t get lost in a text thread. I keep all of them in a card box and read them when I miss him a lot. It takes me back to certain moments of our relationship and makes me feel so loved.

4. Have a spa day.

This one does not have to be expensive, because it can be done at home. Surprise your girlfriend with ingredients to make your own hair masks and face masks. But don’t let her do it alone, help her and put the masks as well. It’s fun and she will really appreciate you doing something with her. It won’t make take your manhood away from you, it’ll just give you clear skin and soft hair. It’s a win win for you both.

5. Bring her lunch to work.

If she has work and can’t spend the whole day being celebrated, then this is a good option for you. Everybody loves food and being surprised by their favorite person. Bring her favorite food or coffee to her work. Even if it’s just a five minute visit, it’ll give her the motivation to finish her shift and spend the rest of the day with you.

You don’t have to do much to make your girlfriend feel special, just spend time with her and do her favorite things without complaining. Sometimes as relationships become long-term, it gets easier to take your significant other for granted. So whether it’s a holiday or any other day, remind them why you love them and care for them so much.

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