With great student loans comes great responsibility while pursuing a higher education. Stepping to the next stage in education last year taught me a lot more than any textbook could. With every teacher giving their own perspective on how college was gonna be it was honestly a challenge to really picture what it was gonna be like when I really got there. I did learn lots of things those graduation speeches never covered however.
1. If It's Not A Party School You Can Be The Party
If you think your school is boring and there's never any social gathering for the fun people you can be the one to start it. Chances are plenty of other people feel the same as you, but aren't bold enough to throw their own party.
2. Being Social Is Key
College is the only place where you can go in a classroom with 20+ people and no one will know each other during the last day of classes.
3. Work And School Don't Always Mix
I'd recommend only focusing on school the first semester before going job hunting. How you manage your time is ultimately what will make or break you.
4. The Experience Is Different For Everyone
Some teachers told me I would have evil teachers, some told me I would be in a weird relationship that has some long term effect on me, some told me I would discover a new way of thinking, some told me I would hate it. It's literally a dice roll with how I choose to govern myself I finish school. No one can really tell you how college is going to be.
5. You Won't Always Miss High School
After graduation I was told by every teacher at least twice that I'd miss high school because of how easy it was and this could be true for some but not others. Some people enjoy the progression and new challenges.