5 Things That Should Be Common Sense
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5 Things That Should Be Common Sense

Come on now, admit that that's something you should've known

5 Things That Should Be Common Sense
City Series

There's just certain things everyone should know. However, its been said over and over again that common sense is getting less and less common so maybe we can just use this as a refresher course. Think of any of those times during the day where you just sit there going "How do you not know "insert common sense subject?!" I find myself constantly imagining scenarios where people could learn a little bit more about the world they live in so here's the top 5 things all citizens need to educate themselves on!

1. Driving

If you don't feel confident maybe spend some time away from the main roads and learn how that car works. I don't care if it's needing to learn which way to turn the wheels when parallel parking (yes its tricky), learning how to change a flat (which every vehicle owner should know how to do), or a quick driver's-ed course you can take the time. Now once you've got that down pat, you can take on the road! But...don't be the jerk who refuses to use the turn signal, hogs the left lane going 40 in a 60, or cuts people off. Keep the thought that you want to be a considerate driver and this will bring down everyone's road rage. Driving common knowledge goes hand in hand with knowing how to keep yourself safe out in the world. Knowing how to not endanger others or yourself leads to faster reflexes and problem solving enhancement.

2. Social Cues

Now no one is saying that everyone has to be a social butterfly or anything, but there's definitely some tips that could be handed out when people enter public places. Let's start with: Be properly dressed (whatever your style is go for it! But make sure it covers up what it needs to be), volume control (remember when our moms told us "inside voices?" it still applies), be polite to everyone (it should go without saying). So let's see... polite would be defined as "having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people." To break it down further, keep the tone simple, no attitude, don't interrupt others, etc...

3. Cleanliness

Not only should you keep yourself clean and hygienic, but your space should reflect that as well. This one is particularly useful for those of us with roommates. No one wants to be stepping over dirty underwear and socks to get to the shared spaces. Pick up after yourself! Personal responsibility for how you leave the bathroom or living room is a huge show of respect.

4. Letting things go

Have the sense to know that rude people are rude for reasons unrelated to those they are rude to. It's not something that is your fault and you can't fix everyone. Just don't let the ten-second interaction ruin the rest of your day and especially don't let someone else's rudeness rub off on you because then you'll create an endless cycle.


Once again, not saying you have to be a tax expert or even understand everything about how the economy works but you should know the simple stuff about your personal money. Like how to make change and the proper calculations for interest rates. Knowing this stuff will make sure that no one is using you... well, using your lack of knowledge, that is.

So now that we've gotten through all the common sense topics that need to be covered, we can all do a bit better to make the world more sensible. Who could possibly say that isn't something we desperately need?

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